Global Journal of Human Social Science, F: Political Science, Volume 23 Issue 6

t = tweet a= allocution cursive = renowned journalists underlined = in exile red = literary texts bold = 13th-14th centuries blue = Second Republic of Catalonia green = Third Republic of Catalonia 25 Representatives of the Catalan institutions: 34 (18t/16a) This selection of personalities and quotations arouses certain emotions in the target community. In particular, the complex emotions brought to the fore, the pathos meant to be triggered, can be summarized in three main themes: Freedom, Dignity, and Identity, as we will see throughout the analysis. In most cases, these are " émotions étayées " that require an Locutor privileges historical figures from the late 19th to the late 20th century, both locally and internationally, focusing on those who belong to the group of representatives of Catalan institutions, with 34 citations from 25 authors considered “existents, characters or sages” distributed in 18 tweets and 16 quotes in public speeches. 12 President of the Mancomunitat of Catalonia (1914 – 1917). He suffered political repression for an opinion piece and was imprisoned. understanding of the historical meaning of the authors to be understood and comprehended. Of all the enunciators, 16 were in exile (underlined), 10 took part in the government of the Second Republic of Catalonia 13 (3) «No es tracta que els governants de Madrid ens governin millor o pitjor, sinó que deixin de governar-nos. (in blue), and 13 participated in the declaration of the Third Republic of Catalonia on 27.10.2017 (in green). However, the most quoted are the politicians and intellectuals of the Second Republic, first and foremost Antoni Rovira i Virgili, author of a quote that was repeated twice: 14 In my translation: "It is not a matter of the governors of Madrid govern us, but that they stop governing us." » (05.01.2020) Through it (3) a complex emotion, namely Freedom, is constructed by recourse to an " émotion étayée ." The desire for Freedom, historically present in the Catalan natio n 15 (4) « No em descoratjo, no renuncio, no deserto. I somnio en la més gran CAT, la més gran pel territori, la més gran per la llibertat, la més gran per la civilització.» (05.12.2019). , is a shared knowledge of the community that helps to interpret these words, in which the use of the verbal periphrase " deixa de + infinitive" (stop doing something) and the negative construction " no... sinó que... " (not… but) stand out, implying two opposing forces aimed at semiotizing this emotion. The locutor also quotes in a tweet the message inscribed on Rovira i Virgili’s epitaph: In my translation: “I don't get discouraged, I don't give up, I don't desert. And I dream of the greatest Catalonia, the greatest for the territory, the greatest for Freedom, the greatest for civilization.” 13 The First Catalan Republic was declared on 16.01.1641, by Pau Claris i Casademunt, 94th President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, at the beginning of the Segadors War. According to new research (see Sapiens magazine nº 45), he died of poisoning and was the victim of a conspiracy. The Second Catalan Republic was proclaimed on 14.04.1931, by Francesc Macià i Llussà, the 122nd President of the Generalitat de Catalunya. He died on 25.12.1933. His successor was Lluís Companys i Jover (31.12.1933). The latter was assassinated by Franco's genocidal forces on 15.10.1940. 14 Plantem-nos i avancem: és a les nostres mans. On 04.01.2020, the President addresses Parliament in response to the threat of suspension by the Electoral Board (JEC). 15 Despite Archduke Charles' victory, after the Treaty of Utrecht (1713- 15), he gave Catalonia to the Bourbon Philip V of Castile. With the Decrees of Nueva Planta (1707, 1715, and 1716), Philip V dissolved the sovereign political structures, the kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca, and the Principality of Catalonia. For general information, the Principality of Catalonia dates its foundation back to the 9th century. It is the first medieval European state with a parliamentary system of government. The first constitutions' compilation dates from 1283, with the 1705 edition being the last one never derogated. © 2023 Global Journals Volume XXIII Issue VI Version I 21 Global Journal of Human Social Science - Year 2023 ( ) F The Discursive Construction of Republicanism through the Quotes of the President of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia after the 2017 Self-Determination Referendum. The Case of President Joaquim Torra I Pla Ramon Muntaner (1a), Prat de la Riba i Sarr à 12 (1a), Lluis Companys (2t), Francesc Macià i Llussà (1a1t), Rafael Campalans (1t), Antoni Rovira i Virgili (1a2t), Lluís Nicolau i d'Olwer (1a), Pompeu Fabra i Poch (2a1t), Josep Benet i Morell (1t), Víctor Torres i Perenya (1a), Jordi Carbonell i de Ballester (1t), Lluís Mª Xirinachs i Damians (1t), Heribert Barrera i Costa (2t), Carles Puigdemont (1a), Oriol Junqueras (1a), Clara Ponsatí (1t), Raül Romeva (1a), Quim Forn (1a), Jordi Turull i Negre (1a2t), Josep Rull (1a), Carme Forcadell (1a), Dolors Bassa (1a), Mertixell Borràs (1a), Carles Mundó (1a), Joaquim Torra i Pla (2t). 21 Representatives of the Catalan culture, intellectuals: 28 (20t/9a) Vicent Partal (1t), Enric Casasses (1t), Joan Margarit Consarnau (1t), Zoraida Burgos i Matheu (1a1t), Francesc Garriga i Barata (1t), Montserrat Abelló i Soler (2t), Teresa Pàmies i Bertran (1t), Josep Maria Llompart de la Peña (1t), Montserrat Roig i Fransitorra (1a), Manuel de Pedrolo (3a), Joan Vinyoli i Pladevall (2t), Eugeni Xammar (1t), Ferran Soldevila i Zubiburu (1a), Agustí Esclasans i Folch (1t), Josep Carner (2t), Armand Obiols (Colla de Sabadell) (1a duas vezes), Màrius Torres i Perenya (1t), Lluís Solà i Sala (1t), Joaquim Ruyra (1t), Josep Vallverdú i Aixalà (1t), Cant de la Sibil·la do século XIII (1t). 20 Peace and human rights activists: 24 (3t/21a) José Antonio Guevara (1t), Ramin Jahanbegloo (1a), Paul Engler (1t), Jordi Cuixart (2a), Jordi Sánchez (1a), George Steiner (1a), Nelson Mandela (1a1t), Václav Havel (2a), Howard Zinn (1a), Paulo Freire (1a), Jean Monnet Cognac (1a), Pau Casals i Defilló (1a), Robert Kennedy (1a), JF Kennedy (2a), Albert Camus (1a), Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1a), Stefan Zweig (1a), Òssip Mandelstam (1a), Rosa Luxemburg (1a), Sòcrates (1a).