Global Journal of Human Social Science, H: Interdisciplinary, Volume 23 Issue 5

© 2023 Global Journals Volume XXIII Issue V Version I Global Journal of Human Social Science - Year 2023 ( ) H 32 Unveiling the Impact of Solid Waste Management on Health and Poverty Alleviation in Dhaka City Statistic Value Min Value 1 Max Value 5 Mean 3.24 Question 2: Please select your age category from the options below: # Answer Response % 1 Under 18 10 9% 2 18 – 25 19 17% 3 25 - 35 30 27% 4 36 – 50 38 34% 5 Above 50 14 13% Total 111 100% respondents identified as male and 42% as female. The statistical analysis revealed a mean value of 1.42, indicating that the respondents were more likely to identify as male. At the beginning of the interview, women participated less than men in the survey while being fully aware of health risks and waste issues. It has been observed that Bangladeshi women today have access to education, but their participation and expression in society are low. Analysis and Findings The survey question aimed to determine the gender distribution of respondents, with 58% of the total