Global Journal of Medical Research, K: Interdisciplinary, Volume 22 Issue 1

experiences the effect of drugs, sometimes does not experience or experiences the effect of one drug, and the other does not. If it is difficult to determine the disease, leave it to nature and do not rush. Indeed, either human nature will prevail over the disease, or the disease will be defined. If the illness is accompanied by some kind of pain, or the like, or something that caused pain, such as a blow and a fall, then one must start by soothing that pain. If you need to dull pain, then do not overuse drugs such as sleeping pills, because it, dulling the pain, becomes habitual and is eaten as edible. If you know that this organ is very sensitive, then feed the patient with something that very thickens the blood, for example, harisa; if you are not afraid of cooling, then give him such cooling agents as lettuce and the like. Know that the number of good and effective treatments includes the use of something that enhances mental and animal strength, such as joy, meeting the patient with what he loves, and constantly finding him with a person who pleases him. Sometimes it is helpful to be constantly with courageous people and with those whom he is ashamed of. This removes some of the things that are harmful to the patient. Moving from one city to another and from one climate to another, the change of one environment to another, is among the close to this kind of treatment. It is necessary to oblige the patient to accept such a position and perform such actions that would correct the diseased organ and bring it to a normal nature. For example, a cross-eyed child should be obliged to stare at shiny things; a person with facial paralysis should be offered to look in a Chinese mirror. All this, truly, makes you try to straighten your face and eyes. Sometimes such efforts lead to recovery. Some of the rules that you should remember are the following: as far as possible, you should not apply strong treatments during strong seasons; for example, in summer and winter, strong laxatives, cauterization with iron, opening and emetics should not be used. There are also cases when treatment should be carried out after a subtle study, namely, when one disease requires two opposite measures. For example, the disease itself requires refrigeration, and its cause is warming, such as a fever requires refrigeration and a blockage that causes the fever requires rewarming; or vice versa. It also happens that, for example, a disease requires warming, and the phenomena caused by it require cooling. So, a bad juice that causes kulandzh needs warming, tearing off and liquefying, severe pain from it - in cooling and dulling sensitivity; it happens and vice versa. Know that not every overflow of the body and not every bad nature should be treated by opposite actions, that is, emptying and counteracting the bad nature of the environment, and for the most part other good and important measures applied against overflow and bad nature are sufficient. L iterature 1. "Canon of medical science" Abu Ali ibn Sino.1vol. 2. Hikmatova MF Ibn Sino's view on emptying // Science and Education. - 2021. - T. 2. - No. 9. - S. 72-78. 3. IbnSina "Laws of Medicine" 2020 4. History of medicine Kadyrov A. 2005. 38 Year 2022 Global Journal of Medical Research Volume XXII Issue I Version I ( D ) K © 2022 Global Journals 5. Textbook "Teachings of IbnSina". 2016 About the Methods of General Treatment. Blood Vessels for Bloodletting in the Teachings of Ibn Sina