Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 23 Issue 1

fluid of the installation, friction in pipelines and all kinds of energy "leaks" 3 occurring at idle running of the installation. The main feature of this characteristic is the presence of a pronounced maximum efficiency for a given load of the installation. Such modes, usually labeled nominal, move farther and farther from the maximum power mode, corresponding to the relative load B = 0.5, as the efficiency increases. As a result, the power-based efficiency of a real Carnot cycle (from quasi- statistical characteristics of the processes) at O < ∞ is not a maximum, but rather zero. Thus, taking into account the power and performance of the power plant brings the results of the thermodynamic analysis of its efficiency closer to reality. Universal load characteristics are very useful not only for monitoring compliance with the most economical operating modes of basic, peak and transport power plants, but also when choosing the most promising of them with respect to future operating modes. In this way, non equilibrium thermodynamics of energy conversion processes acquire important practical applications. VIII. S ummary and C onclusion 1. The main disadvantage in using thein complete theory of thermodynamics of irreversible processes (TIP) as a general physical theory is its original limitations on processes of energy dissipation; this can be traced to its dependence on the principle of increasing entropy. 2. The approach to non-equilibrium thermodynamics from a more general position of an energy conservation law shows a failure of the hypothesis of local equilibrium. Thus, it highlights the necessity of introducing additional variables of a nonequilibrium state, where upon potential gradients and generalized process speeds would arise. 3. Determination of the basic quantities in which TIP is defined -- thermodynamic forces and energy fluxes- - on a more general basis of a law governing the transfer of energy in path environments allows us to create a locally non-equilibrium thermodynamics. This version of thermodynamics does not exclude from consideration any (reversible or irreversible) component of real processes. 4. We propose an approach, which for brevity we term “energo dynamics”, to prevent the occurrence of inequalities in the transition to non-static processes. This allows to take into account the irreversibility of real processes of energy conversion not only in thermodynamics, but also in other fundamental disciplines. 5. Energodynamics allows us to give a strictly thermodynamic theory, free from the postulates and considerations of molecular-kinetic and statistical- mechanical theories, and one which validates all the provisions of a TIP, thus expanding it domain to nonlinear processes and states far from equilibrium. 6. The isolation of independent processes occurring in the system under study refutes Onsager 's postulate about the dependence of each of the fluxes on all forces acting in the system. It thus makes it possible to find, for each flux, a unique corresponding force whose disappearance results in the cessation of the process. 7. The proposed energo dynamic method for finding the superposition effects of heterogeneous processes allows further reduction in the number of empirical coefficients by n ( n +1)/2 in TIP to n and explains these superimposed effects not by fluxes, but rather by forces in full accordance with the principles of mechanics. 8. A suitable generalization of TIP to the processes of purposeful transformation of various forms of energy in natural and technical systems reveals their fundamental unity and difference from relaxation processes both in relation to their equations and their reciprocity relations. 9. The transition to the study of the kinetics of energy conversion processes allows us to propose a universal criterion for the efficiency of power and technological installations, taking into account, respectively, their power and performance, and combining the advantages of absolute, relative, exergy, etc. efficiency. 10. The unity of the laws of transformation of thermal and non-thermal forms of energy discovered within the framework of energo dynamics made it possible to propose a theory of the similarity of power and technological installations and to construct their universal load characteristics that facilitate the choice of nominal, peak, etc. modes of their operation. R eferences R éférences R eferencias 1. Onsager L. Reciprocal relations in irreversible processes. Phys. Rev. 1931.237 (14). 405-426; 238 (12). 2265-2279. 2. Prigogine I. Etude Thermodynamique des Phénomènes Irréversibles. [Thermodynamic research into irreversible phenomena] Liege, 1947. (In French) 3. Casimir H. B. G.On Onsager's Principle of Microscopic Reversibility. Rev. Mod. Phys. 1945. No. 17 p. 343. 4. Denbig, K. Termodinamika statsionarnykh neobratimykh protsessov. [Thermodynamics of stationary irreversible processes] Foreign Languages Publishing House. Moscow. 1954. (in Russian) . 1 Year 2023 15 © 2023 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXIII Issue ersion I VI ( A ) New Applications of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics