Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 23 Issue 1
The New View at the Physics of the Planet Earth Danilov Vladimir Igorevich 1 Year 2023 4 © 2023 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXIII Issue ersion I VI ( A ) Author: e-mail: Annotation- In this article, a solution is proposed for several questions that have been facing modern Earth Science for a long time. The questions of Earth's magnetic field physics, mountain formation, oceanic currents, tides, earthquakes, geodynamics and other natural phenomena caused by the influence of external gravitational forces are considered. A different view of the underlying physics allows for an easy and well-argued explanation of many natural phenomena, making it understandable even to unprepared readers. This view, when applied to other planets, can help in explaining other phenomena in the Solar System. It is hoped that the scientific community will adopt this new explanation as a tool for further investigation of nature. Any constructive criticism on the topic is welcome. Keywords: geotectonics, mountain building, planetary magnetic field, ocean currents, tides, satellite movement. Note: As this article was being written, the sad news came of the passing of Seiya Uyeda on January 19, 2023 at the age of 93. Seiya Uyeda was a member of the Japanese Academy of Sciences, a professor at Tokyo and Tokai Universities, a foreign member of the academies of sciences of various countries, including the Russian Academy of Sciences. His scientific interests included the magnetism of rocks, heat flows on oceans and land, plate tectonics, dynamics of subduction zones, etc. I. I ntroduction his article is written under the impression of reading Seiya Uyeda's ( 上田誠也 ) book "The New View of the Earth. Moving Continents and Moving Oceans". A wonderful book where, in simple Japanese, ordinary words, without cluttering the text with elaborate expressions and a multitude of mathematical formulas, without introducing unclear, rather unrealistic, assumptions, the author spoke about the process of understanding the structure of our planet. He approached the material being considered very critically, indicating not only accepted facts, but also contradictions. He argued the unsoundness of some hypotheses, but in others, he did not notice any obvious distortions of reality. Although the result of the research conducted by him was an increase in the number of questions rather than found answers, this work determined the main circle of issues that should be given attention to understand the physics of processes occurring on the planet. As they say, "Correctly posed questions are already half the way to a solution». The goal of this article will not only be to answer the questions raised in the book, but also to add others, explain them, and also bring them together into a single mechanism that controls the majority of processes happening on the planet and that can be applied to any Earth-like planet. Like in the book of Uyeda, the article will not contain formulas or unverified numbers. All evidence is presented in the form of measurement results that visually show the behavior of the parameters being considered, and in the form of graphs. Also, natural phenomena that can be observed should and can serve as evidence. They can be considered as the results of experiments set by nature. The combination of these phenomena provides a basis for the assertion of the validity of the proposed approach to the physics of the planet. Since the book is quite large in volume and there is no possibility, or need, to transfer all of the interesting information in it, we will only quote the specific tasks or puzzles in it that require an answer. The main natural phenomena, according to Uyeda and his predecessors, that are subject to consideration and resolution are: "Some Unsolved Problems in Geophysics" written by JI. G. Adams, President of the American Geophysical Union, in 1947, and in it, the following six problems were listed: 1. Origin of mountain systems; 2. Origin of geosynclines (deep basins filled with deposits); 3. Causes of volcanic eruptions and other magmatic processes; 4. Causes of deep-focus earthquakes; 5. Origin of Earth's magnetic field; 6. Temperatures prevailing in the Earth's depths. Although the listed problems were not the only pressing issues, they were indeed of great importance. Furthermore, none of them has been fully resolved to this day; all of them remain as pressing as ever. Page 9, Uyeda [1]. Following is the question of mobilism, that is, the movement of continents- what and how does it drive them to move? The hypothesis of movement from the process of cooling of the internal mass is shown to be insufficient. This ends the list of questions in the book. Allow me to add more to this list: T