Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 23 Issue 1

The mass inside the planet creates an electric dipole as it is separated by external gravity. The heavy, positively charged part will be closer to the surface of the Earth and to external sources of gravity (Fig. 11). Of course, the Coulomb forces which work on attraction at the point of contact and repulsion within the resulting volumes were not canceled. Figure 11: Dipole division. Conventional drawing The movement of these heavy, positively charged masses occurs from East to West when the planet rotates. The movement of electrically charged parts is equivalent in effect to an electric current in a conductor. Since positively charged masses are moving, the direction of the current will also be from East to West. According to the "compass" or "crowbar" rule - whichever one you prefer - the force lines of the magnetic field generated by such a current will be directed from the South geographical pole to the North. In other words, it's all as in reality. Figure 12. Fig. 12: Positive ion flow and magnetic field generated by it This moving flow creates a variable (pulsating) Earth's Magnetic Field. The pulsating (at a surface point), with a period of 1 day, magnetic field is supported by the planet's paramagnetic properties, which smooth and stabilize its behavior. At the same time, the planet's body itself is magnetized. The magnetized planet mass creates the Earth's main Magnetic Field. It is clear that existing magnetic anomalies formed with a different direction of charged flow movement, with different speeds and potentials. The current field is not able to remagnetize them. Thus, the creator and driving force of charges that create the magnetic field of any planet with a liquid core are the combined forces from the Sun, moons, and neighboring planets moving relative to the planet. Very interesting measured data were presented by the employees of the Institute for Climate and Environmental Systems Monitoring in their work (Yu. P. Malyshkov, 2009) [6]. Based on the multi-year research of natural impulse electromagnetic fields on Earth (NIEFE) in seismically active regions of the Pribaikalye, they have come to the conclusion about the movement of the planet's core and related natural phenomena - seismic 1 Year 2023 53 © 2023 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXIII Issue ersion I VI ( A ) The New View at the Physics of the Planet Earth