Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 23 Issue 1

activity, influence on human organisms, etc. These are truly remarkable works, continuing, already at a more technological level, the research of A. Chizhevsky. [5]. Intensity maps of NIEFE changes at different times [6] exactly mimic the movement of the dipole's heavy part. From this, it becomes clear the appearance of a magnetic field on other planets where there are satellites or dynamic influence from the Sun, and its absence where there is none. This is described in more detail in [18]. The same applies to the 11-year cycle of solar activity that affects the Sun's core and the mass of the largest planet in the Solar System, Jupiter, and its impact on the Earth's biosphere. b) The origin of mountain systems In our case, it does not matter how the planet evolved - whether it was formed from a dust accumulation or a melted debris. We take it as it is - inside the melts, on top the cooled "foam" in the form of a crust. This is what we observe. The Earth's crust is measured and classified. It is known about the unevenness of its inner surface, and it is known about the "overlapping" of its individual parts on each other. The question of where these titanic forces come from and how they act on tectonic movements remained unresolved. Fig. 13: Photos of mountains and rapids © 2023 Global Journals 1 Year 2023 54 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXIII Issue ersion I VI ( A ) The New View at the Physics of the Planet Earth