lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
C ontents of the Issue i. Copyright Notice ii. Editorial Board Members iii. Chief Author and Dean iv. Contents of the Issue 1. An Experiment to Test a New Theory in Physics, Fundamentally Different From General Relativity, by Changing the Speed of Light in Electromagnetic Interaction. 1-20 3. Astrophysics of Shadows: The Dead Universe Theory — An Alternative Perspective On The Genesis of the Universe. 33-47 4. A Reinterpretation of Quantum Physics. 49-6 8 5. The Nature of Thermal Radiation from the Universe, Hawking Radiation and Quasar Disks as Natural Masers. 69-74 2. Solar Alpha Particle Radiation Increases Human Mortality – Examples from the Neoplasms Mortality in the Europe and Mediterranean. 21-31 v. Fellows vi. Auxiliary Memberships vii. Preferred Author Guidelines viii. Index 6. Calculation of Macroscopic Effects of Quantum Gravity in General Static Isotropic Gravitational Fields. 75-84 7. On the Incompatibility of the Laws of Energy and Pulse Conservation. 85-91 8. The Nature of Supermassive Black Holes in the Early Universe and the Birth of Baryonic Matter. 93-98
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