lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
The above does not apply to the law of conservation of energy, which, by Noether’s theorem, follows from the homogeneity of time and therefore has no direct relation to the homogeneity of space. This makes the law of conservation of energy the only law of nature that has no restrictions. IV. T he P rinciple of M utual C onversion of I mpulses of T ranslational, R otational, and O scillatory M otion Let us now show that the laws of conservation of any energy carriers, including momentum and momentum, must give way to the principle of their interconversion. It is known that the velocity vector υ can be decomposed into translational w and rotational ω components: υ = w+R× ω , (12) where R is the instantaneous radius of their rotation. So, the impulse J= Р = Мυ includes, along with the translational J w = М w, the rotational part J ω = М R× ω , called angular momentum. Therefore, the law of conservation of momentum (dP/dt = 0 at F = 0) refers to the sum of the impulses Р i w Р i ω and Р i ω , i.e., it does not exclude the possibility of mutual transformation of the local momentum and its momentum. For the same reasons, the law of conservation of angular momentum loses its independent status. The number of processes of inter conversion of impulses cardinally expands when considering the oscillatory motion of energy carriers. The simplest of these processes is wave formation caused by the transfer of a certain amount Θ ' of the energy carrier Θ (in this case, mass M) from a position with a radius vector r' to a position r", i.e. its displacement by a half- wavelength λ /2 (Figure 2), This reciprocating displacement of the energy carrier Θ by a distance Δ r occurs twice during the oscillation period τ , the reciprocal of its frequency ν , and proceeds with an average speed c i = i υ =2| Δ r|/ τ = ρν , equal to the product of its length λ and frequency ν , i.e. the speed of wave propagation c in a given medium. The kinetic energy density of these waves is decided by the well-known expression ρ ν = ρ i с 2 /2. If we take | Δ r| for the amplitude A ν of a longitudinal wave with frequency ν , then we directly come to the well-known expression for the energy density of a traveling wave [21]: ρ ν = ρ i А 2 ν 2 /2. (13) Fig. 2: Wave formation In accordance with (13), the momentum density of oscillatory motion is determined by the value j i ν = ρ i с . Taking this into account, the momentum density of the i-th energy carrier j i = ρ i υ i already includes three components: translational j a w = ρ i w i , rotational j i = ρ i R i × ω i and oscillatory j i ν = ρ i с . Then dU/dt = Σ i ∫x i· (j a w +j i ω +j i ν )dV= 0, (14) According to this expression, when x i ≠ 0 the sum of all i-the energy carriers of a heterogeneous system vanishes, but not each of them individually. This implies the possibility of mutual transformation of not only different forms of energy, but also impulses of the same mechanical form, including impulses of translational, rotational, and oscillatory mechanical motion. V. T ransformation of V ibrational I mpulse as the basis of the P rocesses of the E volution of the U niverse If the fate is that at least 95% of the matter of the Universe is “hidden mass” (non-baryonic matter), which does not participate in any interactions other than gravitational (and therefore is unobservable), then the beginning of the process of its evolution should be associated with it. which leads to the formation of all forms of baryonic matter in the Universe (elementary particles and atoms, molecules and gas-dust clouds, small and large celestial bodies, stars, and galaxies). The process of formation of baryonic matter begins with the appearance of self-oscillations in any part of non- baryonic matter, caused by the instability of the inhomogeneous distribution of its density in the space of the Universe. This process of excitation of vibrations is accompanied by the internal work dW ν = i υ d( М о i υ ) performed on this part of М о by the hidden mass and the acquisition of vibrational energy by it U k =W ν =∫ с d М ы с = М о с 2 , (15) decided by the average speed of this movement i υ = с . In the absence of dispersion of the speed of light in the Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 88 © 2024 Global Journals On the Incompatibility of the Laws of Energy and Pulse Conservation
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