lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

cosmic environment (i.e., with c = const), this energy U k is proportional to the mass M o involved in the oscillatory process, which served as the basis for the conclusion of the SRT about their equivalence. Meanwhile, this proportionality was set up long before the advent of STR (N. Umov, 1873; J. Thomson, 1881; O. Heaviside, 1990) [22] and expressed the energy that baryonic matter buysas a result of the “condensation” of the ether. Part of this energy ρ ν = ρ о с 2 /2 is spent on radiation, the other − on the formation of new structural elements of matter. This is how nuclear, atomic, chemical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and other forms of internal energy of condensed matter arise successively. Each of these forms is distinguished by the structural features of their material carrier Θ i , its quantity M i and the impulse of internal movement Р i = М i υ i . This sequence of energy conversion processes is confirmed by the fact that the speed of light propagation in baryonic matter decreases (it has a refractive index n i = с / с i >1), as well as the direct detection of the so-called “baryon acoustic oscillations of the primary plasma of the Universe” [23]. Thus, without the interconversion of impulses and the presence of sources for all forms of energy, the evolution of the Universe would be impossible. It is easy to verify that these oscillations propagate in outer space in the form of matter density waves by representing the total derivative of the wave energy density ρν as the sum of the convective ( с · ∇ ) ρ ν and local +(∂ ρ ν /∂t) r components: d ρ ν /dt=( с · ∇ ) ρ ν +(∂ ρ ν /∂t) r . (16) It is easy to give this expression the form of a wave equation in its so-called “single wave” approximation: ∂ ρ ν /∂t + с (∂ ρ ν /∂r) = d ρ ν /dt, (17) in which the term d ρν /dt characterizes the wave attenuation rate. This equation describes a density wave traveling in one direction (away from the source). It is usually called “kinematic” (in contrast to the “dynamic” second order equation, which describes two waves diverging in opposite directions. Using expression (17), it is easy to imagine the convective part (16) as the product of the driving force of radiative energy exchange х ν = - ∇ ψ ν by the radiant energy flux density j ν = ρ о А ν ν с : ( с · ∇ ) ρ ν =x ν · j ν . (18) It follows that radiant energy exchange obeys the same transfer laws as the processes of thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, diffusion, etc.: j ν = L ν x ν , (19) where ψ ν = А ν ν is the wave potential, which we call amplitude-frequency [24]; L ν is the coefficient of “radiation conductivity” of the medium, like the coefficients of its thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, diffusion, etc. According to this expression, a flow of vibrational (radiant) energy occurs when the amplitude or frequency of natural oscillations of baryonic matter becomes less than the corresponding parameters in the source. Since с i < с , such conditions really exist, which decides the ongoing process of its condensation of nonbaryonic matter and its transformation into baryonic matter. The new structural elements of baryonic matter formed in this process have a natural oscillation frequency that is different from the background one, which makes the baryonic matter visible (observable). An imbalance between absorbed and emitted energy, along with the accretion and ongoing compaction of baryonic matter, leads to concentration of energy in it, heating, synthesis of increasingly “heavy” and complex chemical elements, up to the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions in it and the transformation of planets into stars. All these processes would be impossible in the absence of the transformation of the oscillatory impulse into a rotational and translational one. It is the emergence of new degrees of freedom that leads to an increase in internal pressure and the emergence of a singularity (a state in which known physical laws become invalid). This leads to explosions of so-called “supernovae,” the dispersion of matter and its “rupture”) with the repetition of the showed “synthesis-decay” cycle in another region of the unlimited space of the Universe. This ensures its permanent development, bypassing the state of equilibrium [25]. VI. E xperimental C onfirmation of the P ossibility of I nterconversion of I mpulses The possibility of mutual conversion of impulses of translational and rotational mechanical motion was experimentally proven by the American self-taught N. Dean back in 1956 in his lift, which he directly called “a device for converting a rotational motion impulse into a translational one” [26]. During testing, his car developed a vertical thrust of 2400 kg with a 150 hp engine. With. This was followed by a public demonstration in 1974 of the effect of the emergence of “gyroscopic thrust” by E. Laithwaite [27]. In his experiments, a spinning gyroscope weighing 10 kg was suspended from one end of the rotor to a vertical string and, when released, began to move in a spiral, causing the suspension to deviate from the vertical. A similar phenomenon was seen during demonstrations of “Tolchin’s cart” (1976), which he called “inerzoid” [7], as well as in its numerous Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 89 © 2024 Global Journals On the Incompatibility of the Laws of Energy and Pulse Conservation