lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
region of the spectrum, the oscillator can be excited to a colossal energy nh ν , comparable to the energy of hard X-rays, still, at the same time, it can emit only a tiny piece of this energy h ν , and the rest of the energy of the oscillator (n-1)h ν is, as it were, “frozen ” and cannot be realized in any form, at least in non-radiative processes. A similar paradox in Planck's quantum theory was also found in nanotechnology. On July 21, 2020, a scientific group from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University was able not only to detect, but also theoretically explain a previously unknown physical phenomenon, an increase in the amplitude of mechanical vibrations without any external influence [7]. Members of the scientific group V.A. Kuzkin and A.M. Krivtsov discovered a physical paradox, according to which the excitation of mechanical vibrations occurred due to internal thermal resources. This open physical phenomenon is called ballistic resonance (Figure 1) [7]. Figure 1: A new physical phenomenon - ballistic resonance Here's what the authors of the discovery themselves write: “To understand the essence of the process, one can imagine the most ordinary swing. So it was generally accepted that without external influence, it is simply impossible to achieve oscillatory resonance. ... But the scientific group discovered a physical paradox, according to which the excitation of mechanical vibrations occurred due to internal thermal resources (that is, the swing swung by itself). The phenomenon of ballistic resonance lies in the fact that during the heat equalization process, mechanical vibrations arise in the crystal lattice of the material, the amplitude of which is raster over time” [7]. That is, if different subsystems of one system that move in resonance but with a phase shift are considered as swings and external influences, then it is possible to transfer energy from a subsystem oscillating with a lower amplitude (temperature) to a subsystem oscillating with a larger amplitude (temperature). But the growth does not occur indefinitely, but reaches a certain value and then gradually fades away, and the temperature equalizes along the entire crystal. In this case, the resonant frequencies do not have to coincide, but their diversity is sufficient. If, simultaneously, one learns to divert part of the energy from the subsystem that increases the amplitude of its oscillations, then this will be a perpetual motion machine of the second kind. It is well known that non-radiative energy transfer processes from one excited center to another with partial or complete dissipation of energy into the crystal lattice or with radiation of this energy are very well developed in a solid, especially in crystals. In addition, one can ask the question: what atom or molecule can be excited to a considerable energy nh ν , and at the same time, they are preserved without being destroyed? Apparently, in Planck's theory, any reasonable physics ends, and abstract modeling begins, which has nothing to do with natural phenomena. This happened, in all likelihood, due to the fact that no one at the beginning of the 20th century proposed the present, i.e., solution of this problem free from any contradictions. At the edge of a black hole, the physical vacuum is in a conditionally stressed state, resulting of which it is polarized in a quantum manner. Nothing of the kind follows from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Einstein's general relativity, in general, is incompatible with quantum concepts. Studying the behavior of quantum fields near a black hole, Stephen Hawking predicted that a black hole necessarily radiates particles into outer space and thereby loses mass [8]. This effect is called Hawking radiation (evaporation). Vacuum polarization occurs under the influence of monstrous gravitational and magnetic fields, as a result of which the formation of not only virtual but also real particle-antiparticle pairs is possible. According to Hawking, on the surface of the event horizon, the direction of expansion of the generated particles ceases to be random, i.e., it becomes polarized, namely, orthogonal to the surface of the black hole [8]. The existence of stable Hawking radiation - the process of emission of various particles by a black hole - was first proved by specialists from the Israel Institute of Technology [9]. A report of the production of a substance with properties identical to plasma in the vicinity of a black hole also appeared in a joint work of Russian, Japanese, and French researchers from the LaPlaz Institute, the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, and the CELIA laboratory of the University of Bordeaux, published in 2020 [10]. Black hole accretion disks were obtained in laboratory conditions. This structure results from the fall of diffuse material with spinning momentum onto a massive central body (accretion) around neutron stars and black holes. Compression of matter, as well as the release of heat due to friction of differentially rotating layers, leads to heating of the accretion disk. Therefore, the accretion disk emits thermal electromagnetic and X-ray radiation. Experiments have shown that the technique developed by an international group makes it possible to create not only quasi-stationary magnetic fields of record magnitude, but also to simulate the state of plasma emerging in them with a high energy density of matter - 10¹ ⁸ particles per cm³. The uniqueness of the experiment is that the parameters of the resulting Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 95 © 2024 Global Journals The Nature of Supermassive Black Holes in the Early Universe and the Birth of Baryonic Matter
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