lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

In which E represents the electric field intensity expressed in [V/m], H represents the magnetic field intensity expressed in [A/m] and g represents the gravitational acceleration expressed in [m/s 2 ]. The permittivity indicated as 0 ε , the permeability indicated as 0 µ and the gravitational permeability of vacuum as 0 γ . For curl-free gravitational fields equation (6) can be written as: (E ) 1 = - E ( E ) E ( E ) 0 0 2 ( ) 0 0 f t c ε ε µ µ ∂ × Η + ∇ . − × ∇ × + ∂ + Η ∇ . Η − 3 3 E 0 0 ( ) g ( g ) g ( g ) m 0 0 ( E ) Electric Charge Density [C/ m in which: ( ) = Magnetic Fl M γ γ ε ρ µ ρ + Η × ∇ × Η ∇ . − × ∇ × = 0 [Ν / ] ∇ . = ] ∇ . Η 3 3 3 2 E 2 M 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 ux Density [Vs/ m ] or [Wb/ m ] ( g ) = Mass Density (Electromagnetic) [kg/ m ] Electric Energy Density: w = E Magnetic Energy Density: w = H Gra M γ ρ ε µ ∇ . 2 G 1 2 0 vitational Energy Density: w = g γ I. A n A lternative A pproach in G ravity Einstein approached the interaction between gravity and light by the introduction of the “Einstein Gravitational Constant” in the 4-dimensional Energy- Stress Tensor. G + g = T µν µν µν κ Λ (1) In which μν G equals the Einstein Tensor, g µν equals the Metric Tensor, T µν equals the Stress-Energy tensor, Λ equals the cosmological constant and κ equals the Einstein gravitational constant. An alternative approach to Einstein’s expression with the tensor T µν κ , describing the curvature of the Space-Time continuum, is the sum of the Electromagnetic Tensor T µν and the Gravitational Tensor J µν . T T J µν µν µν κ ⇔ (2) The 4-dimensional divergence of the sum of the Electromagnetic Stress-Energy tensor and the Gravitational Tensor expresses the 4-dimensional Force- Density vector (expressed in [N/m 3 ] in the 3 spatial coordinates) as the result of Electro-Magnetic- Gravitational interaction. In vector notation the 4-dimensional Force- Density vector can be written as: The fundamental boundary condition for this alternative approach to gravity is the requirement that the Force 4 vector equals zero in the 4 dimensions, expressing a universal 4-dimensional equilibrium: The 3 spatial components of the Force-Density vector, as a result of Electro-Magnetic-Gravitational interaction can be written as: ( ) T = + J f      ( ) 4 4 3 2 1 T = = + J f f f f f             ( ) 4 4 4 3 2 1 T = 0 = = + J f f f f f             Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 2 © 2024 Global Journals An Experiment to Test a New Theory in Physics, Fundamentally Different From General Relativity, by Changing the Speed of Light in Electromagnetic Interaction +