lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

Substituting Einstein’s W = m c 2 in (7) results in “Electro-Magnetic-Gravitational Equilibrium Field Equation” (8): The theory describes “Electromagnetic- Gravitational Interaction”, “Magnetic-Gravitational Interaction” and “Electric-Gravitational Interaction”. In this new theory particles do not interact with fields. The interaction between an electric charged particle and an electric field is not the interaction between a particle and a field but it is the interaction between the electric field of the particle interacting with the other electric field. Every interaction is an interaction between fields. Electric Fields interact with Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields interact with Magnetic Fields and Gravitational Fields interact with Gravitational Fields. II. G ravitational R edshift / B lueshift in “ L ight (EMR) ” due to “E lectromagnetic G ravitational I nteraction ” To test the New Theory, the Gravitational- Redshift experiment: “Test of the Gravitational Redshift with Galileo Satellites in an Eccentric Orbit” by S. Hermann et all, has been chosen [2]. In this experiment a stable “MASER” frequency from a ground station has been emitted to 2 Galileo Satellites, measuring the frequency difference between the Ground Station and the Satellites. The frequency shift has been caused by the gravitational field of the Earth and 2 satellites has been chosen to compensate for the eccentricity of the Galileo Orbit. Assuming a gravitational field g[z] depending on the radial direction in cartesian coordinates between the ground station and the satellites: 2 M g[z] = 0,0, 4 z Earth G π       In which G(G = 6.67428 10 -11 Nm 2 / kg 2 ) equals the Gravitational constant, M Earth the mass of the earth and r the radial distance from the centre of the earth. The mathematical solution [5] of equation (8) for plane electromagnetic waves (expressed in cartesian {x,y,z} coordinates) related to the Electric Field Intensity equals: (10) And the mathematical solution of (8) for the Magnetic Field Intensity equals: In which 0 ω equals the original frequency of the MASER radiation propagating in the direction of the gravitational field g[z] of the Earth in the z-direction. The exponential term demonstrates the Gravitational Redshift when the MASER radiation propagates in the direction of the Gravitational Field of the earth. The propagation speed of the Electromagnetic Radiation remains constant (the speed of light). But the amplitude of the field intensity and the frequency of the field intensity diminishes exponentially. Calculations in Mathematica [5] demonstrate a difference between the calculation with General Relativity and the calculation with the New Theory. Choosing for the ground station a distance to the centre of the earth z 1 = 6,378,000 [m] (Radius of the Earth) and for the average distance of the ESA satellites in a Galileo orbit z 2 = 23,222,000 [m] (distance from the ESA satellite to the centre of the Earth), calculated with Mathematica, the Gravitational RedShift according General Relativity equals: 1 ω = 0.000000000040118 [s ] 15497097883 GR − ∆ (12) Calculated with Mathematica, the Gravitational RedShift according the New Theory, which is a solution of equation (8) equals: 1 ω = 0.000000000040118 [s ] 24206173742 GR − ∆ (13) Both calculated values a within the Range of the measured gravitational RedShift by the average values of both ESA satellites in the Galileo orbit 3 (E ) 1 = - E ( E ) E ( E ) 0 0 2 ( ) ( ) g m 0 0 M f t c ε ε µ µ ρ + ∂ × Η + ∇ . − × ∇ × + ∂ + Η ∇ . Η − Η × ∇ × Η = 0 [Ν / ] ( ) 2 2 2 (E ) 1 = - E ( E ) E ( E ) 0 0 2 1 ( ) ( ) g 0 0 2 c f t c ε ε µ µ ε µ + ∂ × Η + ∇ . − × ∇ × + ∂ + Η ∇ . Η − Η × ∇ × Η Ε + Η = 3 m 0 [Ν / ] ( ) 0 0 0 0 G M G M 8 z 4 z 0 x y z e h e t - z E 0 E = 0 ω Eearth Earth         − −                                   ( ) 0 0 0 0 x G M G M 8 z 4 z y 0 0 0 z 0 H 1 H = e h e t - z ε μ H 0 ω Earth Earth         − −                               E =E H= (11) Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 3 © 2024 Global Journals An Experiment to Test a New Theory in Physics, Fundamentally Different From General Relativity, by Changing the Speed of Light in Electromagnetic Interaction