lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

Fig. 4: The Energy Density [ J/ m 3 ] of the Dark Matter as a function of the Radius R = max 10 22 [m] the direction of the propagation of light can change due to a gravitational field. c) Dark Matter in the Universe controlled by “Gravitational Shielding” Fig 3 represents Dark Matter with a total mass of 10 53 [kg] and a radius of about 10 times the size of the Milky Way Galaxy. The radius of the dark mass equals 5 10 21 [m] which has been controlled by a different mathematical solution (20) for equation (8). [ ] 3 BH 0 0 G M ε μ - log[r] 8 π r [J / m ] e f r K       = (20) Figure 3 and Figure4demonstrate the large effect of “Gravitational Intensity Shift” and “Gravitational RedShift” at the distance of 5 10 21 [m] which is 10 times the radius of the Milky Way Galaxy. Over the distance of 5 10 21 [m] the intensity of the emitted light of the Dark Matter with a mass of 10 53 [kg] falls back with a factor of 10 -261 . Also the frequency of the emitted light of the Black Hole falls back with a factor 10 -261 . Emitted light in the visible spectrum of 10 14 [Hz] falls back to a frequency of 10 -247 [Hz]. These extreme low frequencies with extreme low intensities have never been measured which has result in the name “Dark Matter” for the phenomenon of “Gravitational Intensity Shift” and “Gravitational RedShift” for an extreme large mass. It follows from equation (8) and the solutions (10) and (11) that the speed of light does not change inside and around the Dark Mass. Only the direction of the propagation of light can change due to the gravitational field of the Dark Mass. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 6 © 2024 Global Journals An Experiment to Test a New Theory in Physics, Fundamentally Different From General Relativity, by Changing the Speed of Light in Electromagnetic Interaction Fig. 3: The Energy Density [ J/ m 3 ] as a function of the Radius R = max 10 25 [m] of the Dark Matter