lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
The Scalar function [ , t] r Ψ represents a fundamental solution of the Quantum Mechanical Schrödinger wave equation. [36, 37] a) Black Holes with Discrete Spherical Energy Levels at Sub-Atomic dimensions An essential requirement for the confinement of Electromagetic Energy is that the Poymtingvector equals zero at the (spherical) surface of the confinement. For the confinement within a sphere, a standing electromagnetic wave pattern has been required which exists of concentric spheres, at every sphere an antinodal plane for E (or B) with a radius distance between each sphere of half the wavelength of the confinement. The constant k = n π λ , “n” a natural number(1,2,3,4…..) and λ the wavelength. i. Time and Radius dependent Black Holes with discrete Energy Levels.The confinements of Electromagnetic Radiation within spherical Regions Every concentric sphere represents an anti- nodal surface for the Electric Field (E) or the Magnetic Field (H). The Poynting Vector^: S = E H × at this spherical surface equals zero at any time and at any location at this sphere. The Electromagnetic Energy remains always within this sphere and the next concentric sphere. The concentric spheres have a difference in radius of one half wavelength of the electromagnetic radition within the confinement and a different discrete energy level. Every concentric sphere represents an anti-nodal suface of the electric field or the magnetic field. IV. T he R elationship between B lack H oles and Q uantum P hysics Introducing the Quantum Vector Function φ , (21) Substituting (21) in (16) results in the quantum presentation for the BLACK HOLE: E = H + i 2 c µ φ (22) With “K” a constant value dependend of the mass of the BLACK HOLE. The Dot product between the unit vector and the Quantum Vector Function φ represents the quantum mechanical probability function [ , t] r Ψ which is a fundamental solution of the Schrödinger Wave Equation. (23) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 0 1 8 π r E ( , , ) = H + i f(r) 2 0 ε ( , , ) Cos ω t μ - i Cos i Sin ω t 0 0 0 0 - Sin k r Sin k r 0 k r i Cos k r e r G = r c r K − ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 0 0 0 1 8 π r 1 8 π r 0 ε ( , , ) Cos ω t μ - i Cos i Sin ω t 1 1 1 0 ε ε = Cos ω t = μ μ i Sin ω t 0 0 0 0 - Sin k r Sin k r 0 k r i Cos k r r, t e e e G G = r K K K − − − 0 0 1 8 t π r i e G Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 7 © 2024 Global Journals An Experiment to Test a New Theory in Physics, Fundamentally Different From General Relativity, by Changing the Speed of Light in Electromagnetic Interaction
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