lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
Solar Alpha Particle Radiation Increases Human Mortality – Examples from the Neoplasms Mortality in the Europe and Mediterranean Nikolay Takuchev Abstract- A dangerous phenomenon for humanity is described. In the joint analysis of data from satellites in orbit around the Earth and from the health statistics source EUROSTAT, it became clear that, by some mechanism, flows of positively charged particles with high energy entering the Earth's orbit increase mortality on the planet's surface. The increase in mortality is in a band of maximum risk in the Northern Hemisphere, parallel to the Equator and bounded by the parallels of 30° and 50° north latitude. Examples are given for the European Union mortality from neoplasms, confirming the described phenomenon. A hypothetical mechanism based on observational evidence has been proposed, according to which this dangerous phenomenon is due to solar alpha particles of high energy sufficient to overcome the atmosphere's resistance and reach the Earth's surface in a limited area of maximum death impact. Keywords: mortality, neoplasms, satellites GOES, cosmic alpha radiation, EUROSTAT. I. I ntroduction n a series of publications [1 – 23], a dangerous phenomenon of cosmic origin for humanity was described – the presence of a high correlation between the flows of positively charged particles with high kinetic energy recorded from satellites in the Earth orbit and mortality on the Earth's surface from many diseases. The main focus of the mentioned publications was on the effect of solar alpha radiation on mortality from diseases, killer number one of mankind – those of the circulatory system. The harmful effects of solar alpha radiation are also observed on many other organs and systems in the human organism, turning this invisible effect into one of the main causes of death for humanity. The mentioned dangerous phenomenon of cosmic origin is unevenly spread on the planet's surface. Europe and the Mediterranean are among the most affected. However, in [1 – 23] are described many examples, where this phenomenon is also observable in several countries from the Northern Hemisphere – Asia, America, and even Africa. The European Union has a tradition of maintaining reliable mortality statistics, in which the discussed multifaceted influence of solar alpha radiation on mortality stands out clearly. Below, based on data from mortality statistics in the European Union, the unexpected association between solar alpha radiation and mortality from neoplasms is shown. The high-energy alpha radiation can ionize the atoms in the living organism, which drastically worsens the normal metabolism in living cells. This type of radiation may be the leading external cause of neoplasms. II. M aterial and M ethods a) Mortality data The analysis below is based on an authoritative source of health data – EUROSTAT [24]. In the study, the parameter annual mortality rate – number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants was used as a characteristic of mortality. EUROSTAT offers free access to data on mortality rates from causes in the countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area, and the candidate countries for membership in the union. Geographically, these countries occupy Europe and the Mediterranean. Data are grouped by NUTS (Nomenclature Des Unités Territoriales Statistiques in French, the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics). In the study, mortality data from the EUROSTAT shortlist were used, in which mortality rates are grouped by causes of death into 92 groups, mostly diseases. The groups are related to the classes in the International Disease Classifier ICD-10, (10 th revision). The shortlist contains mortality data for EU countries (NUTS-1) and EU regions (NUTS-2, smaller areas of the larger NUTS-1 countries). Currently (2023) the shortlist includes mortality rate data for the interval 2011 – 2020. Annual mortality rate data were extracted for 353 European regions (NUTS-2) separately from each of the shortlist groups for the interval 2011 – 2019 (the last pre-pandemic year). b) Satellite data Satellite data on corpuscular radiation – protons and alpha particles recorded by the satellites of the series GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) were obtained from an NOAA site [25]. The satellites of the GOES series fly in geostationary orbit (above the Earth’s equator), at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, make one lap in 24 hours, that is, they “hang” over a certain point on the Earth's surface and are not shade by the Earth at their circumference around it. I Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 21 © 2024 Global Journals Author: Ph.D., Associate professor, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria . e-mail: nnnpppttt@gmail.com
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