lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

mortality from "Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97)" (Figure 4). Figure 10: Points of registration of pulses of alpha particles with a flux not less than 1000.cm - 2 .s -1 .sr -1 .MeV -1 of the western coast of Europe. A Google Earth map was used b. For the center of the death spot, a coincidence is in effect – the direction of the geomagnetic induction vector coincides with the direction of the alpha particle intrusion – the alpha particle movement is not affected by the deflecting magnetic force. Such a coincidence occurs twice a year for latitudes in the band from 28°N to 48°N [4]. For latitudes outside this band, such a coincidence is impossible, the fast alpha particles do not reach the Earth's surface, or their flux on the surface decreases fast with their moving away from the band. The moment of occurrence of a flow of fast alpha particles cannot be predicted, but the dates of increased risk for a given point on the Earth's surface between 30°N – 50°N can be calculated by the latitude of the location [10]. For example, for the EUROSTAT NUTS-2 region Switzerland (Bern) (See Figure 2), with latitude 47°N, the dates with maximum risk are around May 24 and July 20. On these dates, the inclination (63.6°) of the geomagnetic vector for Switzerland is close in magnitude to or coincides with the culmination of the Sun (the Earth’s atmosphere is thinnest at the moment of the Sun’s culmination, and there is no deflecting magnetic force for alpha particles if they intrude at this time from the Sun). The increased risk of health incidents outdoors around local noon is a further argument for the healthfulness of the indoor midday break ('siesta') practiced in Mediterranean countries. The arguments given above reveal a new, previously unsuspected cosmic cause of neoplasm mortality – solar corpuscular alpha radiation. This type of radiation may be the leading external cause of neoplasm diseases. The risk, in particular for neoplasms, is highest for inhabitants in the mountainous regions. During the day, the hours around local noon are the riskiest for a cosmic impact causing subsequent illness. The risk is also increased during certain days of the year (depending on the latitude of the observation point) during which the solar culmination coincides with the angle of the geomagnetic vector (inclination). If a stream of high-energy solar alpha particles were to hit the Earth at this time, there would be no deflecting magnetic force on them, making it easier for them to reach the Earth's surface. A part of the recorded pulses of alpha particles forms an unnatural series with fixed periods (meaning a permanent meridian, both for the registration point and the death point) and relatively constant magnitudes, which allows the hypothesis of their artificial origin [12]. R eferences R éférences R eferencias 1. Nikolay Takuchev. 2019. Solar corpuscular radiation and mortality from various forms of ischemic heart disease in Bulgaria for the interval 2005 – 2015. AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 130005 (2019); 13005-1 – 13005-6, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.509 1290 Published Online: 26 February 2019 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 29 © 2024 Global Journals Solar Alpha Particle Radiation Increases Human Mortality – Examples from the Neoplasms Mortality in the Europe and Mediterranean