lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
Astrophysics of Shadows: The Dead Universe Theory — An Alternative Perspective On The Genesis of the Universe Joel Almeida Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 33 © 2024 Global Journals Abstract- This article presents the theory of the "dead universe" as a new perspective on the origin and evolution of the cosmos. It proposes that our universe may have emerged from remnants of a previous universe, vastly larger than the observable universe, which collapsed and perished, transforming into a defunct entity whose laws still influence our cosmos. Furthermore, the theory suggests a second hypothesis, in which this universe, from its very creation, has always been immersed in a state of death—not in the traditional sense of stellar death, but as a primordial existence characterized by the total absence of light. In this chaotic context, light, which was not an intrinsic quality of this universe, emerged as a cosmic anomaly, culminating in the formation of the observable universe, which now resides at the center of a black hole belonging to the dead universe. Keywords: dead universe theory, cosmic heat death, universe's end, big freeze scenario, universe's ultimate fate, massive black holes, axion dark matter, UNO particle theory, cold dark universe, dark matter dominance, entropic cosmology, future of cosmic structures. I. I ntroduction or more than a century, the Big Bang theory has been considered a valid model by science. However, various historical gaps have not been overcome, and new doubts arise as the theory is disseminated in academic and educational settings worldwide. The fact that it is widely accepted does not imply that it is unquestionably true, nor that the universe originated exactly as proposed by it. Moreover, a scientific theory must be supported by empirical evidence that favors it. The evidence that once reinforced the Big Bang now also supports new theories, such as the "Dead Universe" theory discussed in this article. The Big Bang theory is undeniably a well- accepted model, but the cosmological model of the Dead Universe theory may prove inevitable. The validity of this new theory can be more clearly demonstrated through technological advancements and mathematical calculations in the field of quantum computing rather than merely through the work of astrophysicists seeking precision to corroborate the theory. Before Edwin Hubble made his mark on the study of the cosmos, Alexander Friedmann and Georges Lemaître had already established the theoretical foundation that would challenge the prevailing conceptions of the universe. In 1922, Friedmann, a Russian mathematician, pioneered the application of relativity theory equations to predict an expanding universe, an idea initially met with skepticism. In parallel, in 1927, the Belgian priest and astronomer Georges Lemaître independently proposed a similar model that included the notion of a "primordial atom" — the theoretical precursor of what would later be known as the Big Bang. In the scenario prepared by these visionary minds, Edwin Hubble emerged as a transformative figure. Throughout his career, he dedicated himself to studying the redshift of galaxies, a phenomenon he highlighted through meticulous observations. In 1929, Hubble published his results, establishing a direct relationship between redshift and the apparent brightness of galaxies, corroborating and expanding the theories of Friedmann and Lemaître. This discovery, known as Hubble's Law, transcended existing theoretical models and transformed the concept of the expanding universe from a mere mathematical abstraction into an empirically verifiable reality. With this contribution, Hubble not only reinforced the work of his predecessors but also inaugurated a new era in cosmology, where the idea of a dynamic and expanding universe became a central pillar in modern understanding of space and time. Hawking (1988) postulated that Hubble's observations suggested that there was a moment, called the Big Bang, when the universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense. Under such conditions, all laws of science, and therefore all ability to predict the future, would fail. If there were events before this moment, they could not affect what happens in the present. Their existence could be ignored because they would have no observational consequences. One could say that time began at the Big Bang, in the sense that earlier times simply would not have a definition [1]. Hawking, S. (1988). A Brief History of Time. F Author: UNIFIL University, Londrina, Brazil. e-mail: j.almeida@extractodao.com ORCID: 0009-0003-4015-7694
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