lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

In [2] a factor has been defined which presents the measured deviation between the predicted Gravitational RedShift by General Relativity and the Measured Gravitational RedShift. ( ) A 5 ME SURED GR ω - ω 2.2 . = 1 6 10 α − ± × ∆ ∆ = (15) A comparable factor can be used to determine which theory (General Relativity or the New Theory) has the nearest approach to the experimentally measured data. Highly accurate measuring experiments are required with an accuracy higher than 16 digits beyond the decimal point. III. B lack H oles a) Black Holes without Singularities with dimensions smaller than the diameter of the Hydrogen Atom A second fundamental solution for equation (8) describes a Gravitational Electromagnetic Confinement (BLACK HOLE) [1] within a radial gravitational field with acceleration (in radial direction). This solution represents a Black Hole, the confinement of light due to its own gravitational field, and has no singularities. This solution for equation (8) describes Black Holes, dependent of time and radius, presenting discrete spherical energy levels, within a radial gravitational field with acceleration (in radial direction)[14]has been represented in (16) and (17). (16) In which the radial function f(r) equals: (17) Grepresents the Gravitational constant and Mrepresents the total confined electromagnetic mass of the BLACK HOLE. Equation (16) presents a Standing (Confined) Electromagnetic Field Configuration with a phase shift of 90 degrees between the electric field and the magnetic field with the corresponding Nodes and Anti Nodes. [13]. The solution has been calculated according Newton’s Shell Theorem. Assuming a constant speed of light “c” and Planck’s constant ħ within the BLACK HOLE, the radius “R” (with n = 1,2,3,4….) of the BLACK HOLE with the energy of a proton, according W = m proton c 2 , would be: 1.5009211 × 10 −10 [J]. (18) Black Holes are varying from atomic dimensions with dimensions of 10-27 [kg], Page 39 [33] until Black Holes with dimensions of 1040 [kg], Page 67 [34]. At these dimensions Black Holes turn into Dark Matter. The fundamental boundary condition for the confinement of Electromagnetic radiation (BLACK HOLEs) is that the energy flow (Poynting vector) equals zero at the surcface of the confinement. This is possible at every “90 degrees Phase Shift Surface” (Sphere) between the Electric Field and the Magnetic Field. b) Black Holes with a Singular point and Large dimensions Fig 1 represents a Black Hole with a mass of 1035 [kg] and a radius of about 25 [km]controlled by a different mahgematical solution for equation (8).The radius of the Black Hole equals about 25 [km] which has been controlled by a different mathematical solution (19) for equation (8). [ ] 3 BH 0 0 G M ε μ - log[r] 8 π r [J / m ] e f r K       = (19) [ ] BH 0 0 G M ε μ - 8 π r e f r K = 6 1 2 GEON GEON 2 c c n R = n λ = n = n = 7.1865 10 = 3.82 f W 10 [m] W R n − −                    Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 52 © 2024 Global Journals A Reinterpretation of Quantum Physics