lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

Equation (27) describes a Time “Azimuthal Angle” and “Polar Angle” dependent BLACK HOLE (27) Equation (27) represents by the function (n = 1,2,3,4…..) and (m = 1,2,3,4….. ) the confinement of electromagnetic radiation between two Azimuthal Angular Regions and two Polar Angulars Regions [17]. v. Spherical Confinement of Light between two Concentric Spheres within Black Holess Fig. 11: Nodal- and Antinodal Regions for Standing (Confined) Electromagnetic waves with a 90 degrees phase shift between the Electric field and the Magnetic field. Equation (14) Equation (18) in the context of this theory illustrates the phenomenon of reflected electromagnetic energy confined within a Black Hole between two concentric spheres. Within this framework, the speed of light, influenced by the variable "r," undergoes directional changes in accordance with the frequency of the confined light, or electromagnetic radiation. A noteworthy concept introduced is the idea that a Black Hole has the potential to undergo a process of splitting into two distinct Black Holes with varying radii. During this process, the original Black Hole transitions to a lower energy state while the newly formed Black Hole embodies the energy differential, akin to an atom transitioning to a lower energy level. This analogy underscores the dynamic nature of Black Holes and the intricate interplay between energy levels within these cosmic structures. 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 E K e Cos[n ] Sin[m ] Sin[ω t] Cos[n ] Sin[m ] Cos[ω t] 0 H K e - Cos[n ] Sin[m ] Cos[ω t] Cos[n ] Sin[m ] Sin[ω t] G r G r ε µ π µ π ϕ θ ϕ θ ε ϕ θ µ ϕ θ − −     =           =       ò Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 60 © 2024 Global Journals A Reinterpretation of Quantum Physics