lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
(28) Fig. 12: Nodal- and Antinodal Regions for Standing (Confined) Electromagnetic within two concentric spheres. Equation (18) V. U niversal E quilibrium in the “C oncept of Q uantum M echanical P robability ” in “T he N ew T heory ” The 4-dimensional notation for the divergence of the Stress-Energy Tensor (25)expresses in the 4th dimension (time dimension) the law of Conservation of Energy”. For an Electromagnetic Field the law for conservation of Energy has been expressed as: (29) The process of deriving the "Fundamental Equation for Confined Electromagnetic Interaction" in the proposed theory from the equation for the "Conservation of Electromagnetic Energy" (38.1) leads to a significant revelation. This fundamental equation serves as the cornerstone of the theory, resembling the Relativistic Quantum Mechanical "Dirac" equation and the Schrödinger wave equation, particularly when dealing with velocities significantly lower than the speed of light. In essence, this "Fundamental Equation for Confined Electromagnetic Interaction" can be viewed as the relativistic counterpart to the Quantum Mechanical Schrödinger wave equation, aligning closely with the Quantum Mechanical Dirac Equation. This unification and connection between these fundamental equations shed light on the intricate relationship between electromagnetic interactions, quantum mechanics, and relativistic dynamics within the proposed theoretical framework. a) Confined Electromagnetic Energy within a 4- dimensional Equilibrium The physical concept of quantum mechanical probability waves has been created during the famous 1927 5th Solvay Conference. During that period there were several circumstances which came just together and made it possible to create a unique idea of “Material Waves”(Solutions of Schödinger’s wave equation) being complex (partly real and partly imaginary) and describing the probability of the appearance of a physical object (elementary particle) generally indicated as “Quantum Mechanical Probability Waves”. The idea of complex (probability) waves is directly related to the concept of confined (standing) waves. Characteristic for any standing acoustical wave is the fact that the Velocity and the Pressure (Electric Field and Magnetic Field in QLT) are always shifted over 1 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 Cos[2 k r] E K e f t - Sin[k r] Sin[ ω t] 2 k Cos[k r] Cos[ω t] 0 Cos[2 k r] H K e f t - Sin[k r] Cos[ω t] 2 k Cos[k r] Sin[ω t] G r G r ε µ π µ π ε µ ε µ ε µ − − = − = − − ò Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 61 © 2024 Global Journals A Reinterpretation of Quantum Physics 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 T = = 0 w . S + = = f t f f f f f f f ∂ ∇ ∂
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