lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4
wave configuration is the outcome of two waves propagating in opposite directions along the z-axis, underpinning the dynamics of this experimental scenario. The Poynting vector corresponding with the electromagnetic wave propagating along the z-axis in the + direction (positive direction of the z-axis) has been indicated as S = E H + + + × and the Poynting vector corresponding with the electromagnetic wave propagating along the z-axis in the - direction (opposite direction) has been indicated as = E H S − − − × . The system is at rest. The radiation pressures, caused by the confined electromagnetic radiation, on both mirrors A and B are opposite and equal in magnitude: A B A B 2 S 2 S P = = = P c c (43) To calculate the radiation pressure on Mirror A, the velocities, only relative to Mirror A for the waves with the respective Poynting vectors = E H S + + + × and = E H S − − − × , have to be calculated. ii. The radiation pressure on Mirror A, when Mirror A moves with a velocity v in the direction of the positive z-axis When the system of two Mirrors “B - A” moves in the direction of the positive z-axis, Mirror A moves in the direction of the positive z-axis and the Poynting vector for the emitted radiation = E H S + + + × will decrease according the Lorentz transformation. ( ) 2 + + + 2 v v v v =E ×H = 1 - E × H c S γ + + (44) When the system of two Mirrors “B - A” moves in the direction of the positive z-axis, Mirror A moves in the direction of the positive z-axis. The Poynting vector for the incident radiation = E H S − − − × will increase according the Lorentz transformation. ( ) 2 2 v v v v = E ×H = 1+ E × H c S γ − − − + + (45) The total radiation pressure, caused by the confined electromagnetic radiation, on mirror A equals: ( ) 2 2 2 A v v 1- 1+ E ×H c c S + S P = = c c A A γ + + + − + (46) iii. The radiation pressure on Mirror B when Mirror B moves with a velocity v in the direction of the positive z-axis When the system of two Mirrors “B – A” moves in the direction of the positive z-axis, Mirror B moves in the direction of the positive z-axis and the Poynting vector for the by mirror “B” emitted radiation will increase according the Lorentz transformation. ( ) 2 2 v v v v = 1 + E × H c = E × H S γ + + − − − (47) When the system of two Mirrors “B – A” moves in the direction of the positive z-axis, Mirror B moves in the direction of the positive z-axis the Poynting vector for the on mirror B incident radiation S =E H + + + × will decrease according the Lorentz transformation. ( ) 2 + + + 2 v v v v =E × H = 1- E × H c S γ + + (48) The total radiation pressure, caused by the confined electromagnetic radiation, on mirror B equals: ( ) 2 2 2 v v 1+ 1- E × H c c S + S P = = c c B B B γ + + + − + (49) A P and P B are still equal in magnitude and both in opposite direction and still cancel each other. The system of confined radiation validates Newton’s first law of motion. iv. Newton’s second Law of Motion (Inertia) for Confined Electromagnetic Radiation When the system of two Mirrors “B – A” accelerates, the velocity increases with v ∆ in a time interval t ∆ . At time “t” the opposite radiation pressures on mirror A and mirror B are presented in (46) and (49). At time t + t ∆ the radiation pressures on Mirror A and Mirror B will different. The radiation pressure at time t + t ∆ caused by the confined electromagnetic radiation, on mirror A equals: ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 A v v + v 1+ 1- E × H c c S +S P = = c c A A γ + + + − ∆ + (50) Because the electromagnetic wave with Poynting vector S = E H + + + × has left Mirror B at “t” Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 65 © 2024 Global Journals A Reinterpretation of Quantum Physics
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