lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

The new theory introduces a novel concept of bi-directional separation between mass and inertia for light, specifically photons. In this view, inertia is exclusively present in the direction of light propagation, influencing the speed of light. On the other hand, mass of light exists in a plane perpendicular to the propagation direction, affecting the deflection of light by gravitational fields perpendicular to the propagation. This distinction sheds light on the nuanced dynamics of light-matter interactions within gravitational fields. Black Holes, as gravitational-electromagnetic confinements, are fundamental solutions derived from the relativistic quantum mechanical Dirac equation. These enigmatic cosmic entities highlight the significant gravitational intensity shift and redshift induced by gravitational fields. The impact of "CURL" within gravitational fields surrounding Black Holes remains a distinctive feature that challenges conventional explanations afforded by General Relativity. By considering a 4-dimensional equilibrium encompassing inertia and gravitational force densities within electromagnetic field configurations, the theory presents Black Holes as physical entities at sub-atomic scales. These solutions exhibit spherical confinements with discrete energy levels, offering a unique perspective on the quantum nature of these phenomena. In experimental validation, the theory proposes measuring the interaction between gravity and light in well-defined gravitational fields, such as that of Earth. Discrepancies in gravitational redshift calculations between General Relativity and the new theory, albeit minuscule, underscore the need for higher accuracy observations to discern between the two frameworks effectively. Dark Matter's existence is postulated based on gravitational redshift and gravitational intensity shift phenomena. The concept of "Gravitational Shielding" elucidates how entire galaxies, with immense mass, may become invisible due to gravitational effects, even with advanced observatories like the James Webb Space Telescope. This invisibility beyond a certain distance poses intriguing challenges for observational astronomy and underscores the mysterious nature of dark matter within our universe. Lastly, equation (58) within the theory establishes a clear relationship without fundamental uncertainty. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is redefined in the context of gravitationally confined light, presenting a constant relationship between wavelength and frequency for electromagnetic waves in such settings. a) Data Availability All Data and Calculations have been published at: https://quantumlight.science/ R eferences R éférences R eferencias 1. 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