lobal Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 24 Issue 4

II. T he T heory of L ocal E xpansion and C ontraction of the U niverse In the new cosmological model, the quantum vacuum is understood as a super fluid heterogeneous medium of dark matter and dark energy forming a galactic and intergalactic environment, which accounts for 95% of the average density of matter in the Universe [6]. In this case, ordinary baryonic matter accounts for only about 5%. Possessing the property of gravity, super fluid dark matter forms a halo around galaxies, which, rotating together with them, forms apredominantly flat or nearly flat structure of the Universe [6]. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory of the United States announced on 2022 about the sensational results. This laboratory has long-term observations and analysis with the Supercomputer. A space model of our entire Universe was created on the Supercomputer, and it turned out that our Universe has a flat structure, and all Galaxies about half a million light years in size are located at a distance of six billion light years from each other and lie in the same plane. This picture of our Universe does not correspond to the Big Bang model. Today, with the creation of the largest James Webb space telescope, astrophysicists have the opportunity to look into the depths of the Universe, 13 billion years old in the infrared, and there they did not see the expected picture of the Big Bang. Astrophysicists are in a panic. In July 2022, a large group of astrophysicists published an article called “Panic!” [7]. According to the latest astrophysical data, the number of small galaxies and their location in the depths of the Universe, aged 13 billion years, does not correspond to the expected picture of the Big Bang. Astrophysicists tend to think that the Universe has always existed and the Big Bang, like the singularity, is Einstein’s unscientific fantasy. Based on the latest conclusions of astrophysicists, the nature of the background radiation discovered in 1965 by A. Penzias and R. Wilson cannot be a relic, which means that the hypothesis of cold nuclear fusion in the space environment acquires a scientific status. Nature offers humanity various options for atomic fusion: on the one hand, it is uncontrolled thermonuclear fusion realized in the depths of the sun and accompanied by coronary emissions that have a detrimental effect on all life on the planets: on the other hand, the thermal radiation of the universe realized in the form of cold nuclear fusion in the interstellar medium. The detected thermal background radiation of the Universe, discovered in 1965 by A. Penzias and Robert Wilson, in the microwave range from 10 GHz to 33 GHz received in astrophysics an insufficiently convincingly justified name “relict”. This may be a process of cold nuclear fusion occurring in the space environment, with the release of energy sufficient to raise the temperature of the Universe to 2.7 K. The theory of local expansion and contraction of the infinite Universe does not need the Big Bang and the inflationary theory of the expansion of a point into the existing Universe 13 billion years from its birth [5]. This could be a process of cold nuclear fusion occurring in the cosmic environment, releasing enough energy to raise the temperature of the Universe to 2.7 K. From the point of view of the unitary quantum theory (UQT) of Professor L. Sapogin, the motion of electrons in tunnel junctions can occur even very low temperatures [8]. This is confirmed by the experiments of American scientists who managed to establish tunnel effects near the absolute zero temperature (in liquid helium) [9]. Under normal conditions, a vacuum quantum behaves like a quasiparticle in a condensed state. In a state of excitation, a vacuum quantum loses its original state and passes into a new one - into the state neutron n ⁰ (1840;1;0), which then transforms into three particles, proton p ⁰ (1836;1;1), electron e¯(1;1; -1) and antineutrino γ ¯(1;-1;0) [10]. During the birth of a neutron, several types of elementary particles are released. They form the corresponding radiation, by the combination of which one can detect the processes of production of the proton, deuterium and tritium neutrons: γ -quanta γ ¯(0;1;0) and γ ⁺ (0;1;0) – form γ -radiation; neutrino ᵇγ ¯(-1;-1;0) and γ ⁺ (1;1;0) – neutrino radiation; electrons and positrons ᵂе ¯ (-1;-1;-1) and е ⁺ (1;1;1) – forms β -radiation; generated single neutrons n ⁰ (1840;1;0) give neutron radiation; neutrons grouped in pairs form α -radiation [10]. It is in this interstellar medium that cold nuclear fusion occurs, allowing the creation of thermal background radiation from the Universe in the microwave range from 10 GHz to 33 GHz. When a vacuum is irradiated by third-party γ quanta, the vacuum must be transformed into matter, in which case the above five types of radiation will be present, and high energy and temperature will also be released [10]. However, there is one argument in favour of the existence of a big bang in the past. In the standard Big Bang model, the Big Bang problem is solved very well. At high density, immediately after the explosion, matter and radiation were a homogeneous mixture, and interacting with each other according to the laws of statistical physics, they reached an equilibrium distribution. When, after several hundred years, the radiation “broke away” from the substance that suddenly became transparent, the photons inherited the same pristine equilibrium distribution for the entire subsequent history, despite the progressive drop in temperature. An essential feature of the observed cosmological background is the frequency distribution of energy. In nature, blackbody radiation is recorded (with an effective temperature of 2.7 degrees Kelvin). The COBE satellite (Figure 2) measured the spectrum of Global Journal of Science Frontier Research ( A ) XXIV Issue IV Version I Year 2024 70 © 2024 Global Journals The Nature of Thermal Radiation from the Universe, Hawking Radiation and Quasar Disks as Natural Masers