Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2
Marble layers of Marble. The thickness of the Marble layers inside the Gneisses is from 300 to 600 meters. Furthermore, The Paleozoic group formation are relatively extensive in the Jalalabad zone including the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous formation. These formations are composed of Quartzite. Sediments, Sandstone and Limestone the relationship between which is not clear in some places. The sediments of the Neogene system are present on the top of the sediment disconcordantly which include Conglomerate Sandstone and Clays. The sediment of Quaternary has filled the shore of the river and their thickness is also high. Relatively in this zone Magmatic rocks are present in large amount that are visible on the ground of the left of Kunarr river and in the Spinghar mountain range which differ from one another in age and in composition and are divided in to two different complex. 1. Granite, Gabbro, Amphibolite Complex 2. Granite, Granodiorites Complex And also Albite that are spread in different part of the Zone. And these Magmatic rocks are interesting according to Mines presence. Tectonically Jalalabad zone is associated with the Cambrian structure with three structural formation layers separated by O-T, AR-PR and N-Q In a tectonic map in 1973 the department of Geology and Mines has divided Jalalabad zone to three further sub zone in this region. 1. The Kunarr Tectonic Zone 2. The Spinghar Tectonic Zone 3. The Jalalabad Basin (Waizy, July 2020) Figure 1: Shows the geological map of the marble area b) Methodologies To gather the prehistoric studies of the marble for this research, a desk study was undertaken prior to a field trip and laboratory analysis. Books, other articles, and Wikipedia information were all reviewed. For laboratory analyses, samples from the Marble mine were obtained. After that, the area was thoroughly researched by collecting GPS coordinate, readings of the location and taking samples from the precise mine. The conclusions were drawn by interpreting the fieldwork data and analytical data. A sufficient amount of rock sample was crushed and ground up for geochemical tests, and thin slices were made for microscopic examination in the Ministry of Mine and Petroleum. GIS mapping of the mining area makes up the third section of the stud. i. Petrographic description of the Samples This specimen contains Calcite, Dolomite and Plagioclase with mosaic structure and metamorphic origin. the dye of the specimen is whitish yellow. (figure a,b) a. This specimen contains Muscovite, Biotite Garnet and Quartz with schistose structure and metamorphic origin. the dye of the specimen is yellowish. (Figure c,d) b. This specimen contains Muscovite, Biotite and Quartz and other opaque minerals with © 2022 Global Journals 1 Year 2022 96 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) Petrological, Geochemical and Mechanical Characteristics of Kooz Kunarr Khewa Calcite Marble Afghanistan