Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2

Figure 5: Shows the elements graphs where the Al and Si are in very high range III. M echanical R esult The Calcite Marble mechanical studies consist of the following tests which is completely described with their result done in Nangrhar Alfalah University Engineering Laboratory. a) Compressive Strength Uniaxial unconfined compressive strength is the amount of load a stone can tolerate before it breaks in to pieces, such measure of stone’s ability to support load bearing structures (Prof., 2022) The table below shows that the uniaxial compressive strength of Calcite Marble ranges from 53 to 81 Mpa under dry to wet circumstances. Based on strength recognition and description, this rating is assigned in the category of powerful rock break with hammer in hand. Crushed Aggregate of Khewa Calcite Marble Material Source Khewa Calcite Marble Cube NO Dimension ( mm 2 ) Area ( mm 2 ) Load (KN) Compressive Strength Kg/Cm 2 Length Diameter 1 71 72 5112 472.5 92.4 2 72 72 5184 278.2 53.7 3 72.1 72.8 5248.88 522.8 99.6 Mpa Kg/Cm 2 Psi 81.9 835.1 11878.11 IV. U nit W eight T est of C alcite M arble The unit weight test is used to measure the quality of aggregate through determining the placed materials volumes the hallows within the distant range. When the scale of the aggregate reaches to 25(5inch) mm so the mold is used to measure unit weigh. (Prof., 2022). © 2022 Global Journals 1 Year 2022 100 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) Petrological, Geochemical and Mechanical Characteristics of Kooz Kunarr Khewa Calcite Marble 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Mg Al Si P S CI K Ca Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn As Rb Sr Zr Nb U Ba Au Pb Bi Th composition(ppm) Elements C1-1 C2-2 C3-3 C4-4 C5-5 Table 3: Shows Compressive strength result of Calcite Marble.