Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2

Cross - Century Discovery: Mendelian Dualistic Genetics Muying Zhou Abstract- This article is a summary and review of new insi ghts into Mendel's gene assumption since its rediscovery in 2018. This is a cross-century discovery. The g ene assumption told the world that the gene is the element that makes individuals being wi th parental specifications. The gene is the fac ilitator rather than the producer. New individuals with parental specifications are produced by the facilitator and its recipient in cooperation. This is conceptually roughly the same as making airplanes with two elements, the drawing and the production line. Thus, the hereditary material should consist of two elements; genetics is dualistic. T.H. Morgan, who founded the theory of the gene and regarded the gene as the producer of individuals, completely misunderstood Mendel, and pulled Mendelian genetics back into the mire of monism. O.T. Avery et al. confirmed that genes are DNA, thereby ushering in the era of the physical verification of the truth of genes. The scientific facts gathered in later 60 years finally prove that any individual, animal or plant (including single-celled organisms), is the product of the transcription of its DNA (genome) by the transcriptase (system) of an egg. In other words, the hereditary material able to give rise to the individuals consists of egg transcriptase (system) and DNA (genome). Keywords: genes, hereditary material, genetics, template, transcriptase. I. I ntroduction he hereditary material able to give rise to the individuals is the basis of genetics. So “What produces the individual” became the first question of genetics. Before the biological matter was clarified, people can only put forward hypothetical answers such as "miniature", "gemmules" and "Germ-plasm" using their imaginations. Each hypothetical element of these answers had two abilities: the ability to produce and the ability to make the individual meeting parental specifications. This is the inherent feature of monistic genetics. Without either of the abilities, the hereditary material is not able to produce individuals with parental specifications. The modern theory of heredity is rooted in genes discovered by Mendel and influenced by habitual thinking of the monistic genetics, resulting in people of the early last century conveniently regarding genes as the hereditary material. However, whether such an understanding is correct or not can be answered by whether genes have the above two inherent abilities. In 1944, genes were confirmed as DNA; thus, the answer was coming. Finally, science proved that genes (DNA) are only the template controlling individual specifications and have no producing ability. Gene-monistic genetics comes in a hopeless situation. Facing a hopeless situation is undoubtedly very painful, but it can also be the eve of a new breakthrough. When we went back to Morgan's <The theory of the gene> [1], we found the Mendel's gene assumption, and the gene it defined was completely consistent with the fact of today's DNA template: The gene is only an element that makes individuals being with parental specifications. Thus, Mendelian genetics is actually dualistic genetics. II. T he H ereditary M aterial and its I dentification S tandards The hereditary material refers to the material transferred from the parent to the offspring (in the fertilized egg) that is responsible for biological hereditary facts. However, this only indicates from where the hereditary material originates and its logical responsibilities. However, there is no explanation or clarification for why it can, or should, be responsible for the hereditary facts. Heredity is a well-known fact. It refers to parent– child traits being similar, or even the same, in living things. On the basis of data, we can conclude that the hereditary material is the producer of individuals, and it usually exists completely in the fertilized egg. These data are: 1) The fertilized egg is the direct and only material source from the parent to the offspring; 2) Eggs (fertilized) can produce chickens (individuals); 3) The producer should be responsible for everything in the product (it is natural. Just as if your TV set is broken, then who is responsible? The producer. Who is responsible for an aircraft crash due to a defect in the aircraft itself? The aircraft producer of course). Thus, we realize that the hereditary material can, or should, be responsible for the hereditary features only because it is the producer of the individual. This leads us to the first gold standard for identifying the hereditary material: the hereditary material must be the producer of the individual. Surprisingly, the first gold standard naturally leads us to the second gold standard for identifying the hereditary material: it must be self- replicating. It is linked with reproduction. We can prove it T Author: The chief physician, a qualified doctor (Professor Level), The Central Hospital of Shandong Feicheng Coal-Mining Group Corporation, Taian, Shandong 271608, China. e-mail: ORCID ID: 1 Year 2022 113 © 2022 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G )