Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2

with the following: 1 cell → 2 cells, where " → " represents producing. Thus, the formula states that the first cell produced a new cell. The cells here could be single- celled organisms, like bacteria. Who is the producer? Of course, it is the hereditary material. Every cell contains the hereditary material, so we can write cell as "cell (the hereditary material)". Consequently, the formula above becomes the following: 1 cell (the hereditary material) → 2 cells (the hereditary material). Note: The pre-formula hereditary material produces a new cell, and the new cell produced in the formula also contains the hereditary material. That is to say, the hereditary material has produced a copy of itself when it produces a new individual. Thus, the hereditary material is self-replicating material. III. M onistic G enetics and D ualistic G enetics The theory claiming that the hereditary material should contain only one element belongs to monistic genetics, and the theory claiming that the hereditary material should contain two elements belongs to dualistic genetics. a) Pre-Mendelian Genetics: Preformation, Pangenesis and Germ-plasm theories Preformation, Pangenesis and Germ-plasm theories assumed "miniature", "gemmules" and "germ- plasm" respectively, as the hereditary material. Each of these theories belongs to monistic genetics. As the hereditary material of monistic genetics, "miniature", "gemmules" and "germ-plasm" each should have two capabilities: that of production and that of making individuals meeting parental specifications. Unluckily, such wonderful material has not yet been found in the real world. So, these theories have not yet been supported by any scientific facts. b) Mendelian genetics Mendel did not aspire to create a new theory of heredity, and he did not offer any answers to the first question. He submitted a paper on a plant hybridization experiment. He described a very specifically designed experiment that posed a new question that was completely different from the “first” question above and opened a new door on genetics. i. Mendel's experiment and its results Mendel used pea plants of different specifications (varieties; he listed at least seven pairs of different specifications, including individual height, seed color, seed smoothness and flower position) for hybridization experiments. A typical experiment was as follows: "He crossed a tall variety of edible pea to a short variety. The offspring, or hybrids, F 1 , were all tall. These were allowed to self-fertilize. Their offspring were tall and short in the ratio of three tall to one short" [1]. ii. The experimental result raised the second basic question of genetics The question raised by such experiments is "Why are there always two types of offspring from a cross between tall and short varieties (pea): one being the tall plants with the same specification as the tall variety, and the other being the short plants with the same specification as the short variety? Even when the F 1 were all tall plants, after F 1 self-fertilization, the short plants appeared again in the offspring". This question does not ask "What produces the individual"? at all, so it is not the "first" question of genetics. We refer to it as the second basic question of genetics [2]. This question is similar to "Why do our plant produced some planes that were big and some that were small? Why were the first batch all big? Why were the last batch big and small in a ratio of 3 big to 1 small"? It asks "What controls the specifications of the product"? We know that the specifications of the aircraft are controlled by the blueprints. Following the specifications implicit in the big aircraft blueprints we produce big aircrafts, and following the specifications implicit in the small aircraft blueprints we produce small aircrafts. Therefore, the questions raised by the experiment inspire us to assume whether the parents of tall and short varieties have their own hereditary elements controlling the product (individual) specifications, whether following the tall specification version can produce tall plants, and following the short specification version can produce short plants? The "second" question usually arises in sexually reproducing species (or crosses between two varieties). Because there are two parents (father and mother), for the producer (the fertilized egg), a new question arises: which version to choose between the father and mother versions to produce individuals? In daily life, the "second question" leads people to ask questions such as "Why is Tom's oldest son tall like Tom, while the younger son is short like Tom's wife? " "Why is Tom's son's nose similar to Tom's nose, but the ears are similar to those of Tom's wife? " or "Why do the noses of the Habsburg family seem to be produced from only one template"? etc. iii. Mendel's gene assumption and his dualistic genetics In response to the above question, Mendel proposed the gene assumption: "if the tall variety contains in its germ-cells something that makes the plants tall, and if the short variety carries something in its germ-cells that makes the plants short"[1] (Here the "something" is what was later called a "gene"). Mendel then assumed that the tall gene is dominant and the short gene is recessive, which successfully explained the phenomenon that F 1 all tall, and F 2 tall and short in the ratio of three tall to one short. "The gene can make the individual (plant) to be tall or short (specification)", so it is the facilitator making the individual to be parental (tall or short) specification Cross - Century Discovery: Mendelian Dualistic Genetics © 2022 Global Journals 1 Year 2022 114 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G )