Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2

rather than the producer of the character. One specification is controlled by a gene (or a group of genes), and seven specifications listed by Mendel would be controlled by seven genes (or seven groups of genes); Therefore, all specifications of an individual should be controlled by a set of genes (genome). Being only a facilitator, the gene cannot produce individuals alone, only by collaborating with the receptor that accepts facilitation can the gene achieve the facilitation result. For example, a politician promises the voters that "I can make this country great again". Here, he does not mean he can achieve this goal alone. As the facilitator, he can complete it only in cooperation with the people (as recipients) who accepts his path. So, the implicit logic of the gene assumption is that the hereditary material is composed of two elements: one is the gene controlling the individual specifications, and the other is the producing element that accepts the gene limit to perform the operation. The individual is produced by the producing element in the fertilized egg following the specifications limited by the gene (genome). Thus, Mendelian genetics is dualistic genetics [2,3,4.5]. iv. The support of scientific facts for Mendelian dualistic genetics In 1944, Avery et al . confirmed that genes are made of DNA, and stated: "DNA is capable of stimulating unencapsulated R variants of Pneu- mococcus Type II to produce a capsular polysaccharide" [6]. This proved that "DNA can make Pneumococcus to be S-type (encapsulated) specifica- tion". Contrast this with "Genes can make the individual (plants) to be tall or short (specification)", The two sentences' pattern are exactly the same, but the corresponding words are different: genes are replaced with DNA, plants are replaced by Pneumococcus , and tall or short specifications are replaced by S-type (encapsulated) specification. It is indeed a miracle that Mendel's gene assumption has been confirmed by such consistent experimental facts 79 years after it was proposed (especially in the era when genes were misunderstood as the dominant ideology of individual producers). After 1944, the substances that produced the individual in the fertilized egg were quickly identified. When the fertilized egg initiates egg's transcription, the activity of producing the individual begins. In transcription, DNA is the template, and as the template DNA completely matches the gene defined by Mendel; The only material that performs producing operation on the template is egg's transcriptase(s), ·so it is the producing element. There is no possibility of identifying other substances as producing element. That is to say, the two elements underlying the Mendel's gene assumption that form the hereditary material can be affirmed. Nevertheless, the authenticity of these two elements needs to be verified using the gold standards for identifying the hereditary material in the next section. Only those that meet the gold standards are truly the hereditary material. c) The theory of the gene, so-called modern theory of heredity (The bad result of ignoring Mendel's gene assumption -- Mendelian dualistic genetics is misunderstood as monistic genetics) Finally, we have to discuss the theory of the gene, so-called modern theory of heredity. It claims to be Mendelian genetics, but in fact, it is monistic genetics that arose from misunderstanding Mendel. Mendel's gene assumption cited in this paper from Morgan's <The theory of the Gene>. But there is no mention in the book that Mendel ever proposed the gene assumption. This clearly indicates that Morgan hardly noticed Mendel's definition of genes as the facilitator. But this did not delay his conclusion that "the characters of the individual are referable to genes" [7] and "So long as a complete set of units (genome) is present, the power to produce a new whole is potentially given"[8]. That is to say, Morgan saw Mendel's proposal of "something (gene)", but did not put in effort to distinguish between facilitator or producer. Because he believes that the gene is no different from the "miniature" "gemmules" and "germ-plasm" in history, that is, the hereditary material able to give rise to the individuals. After genes are confirmed as DNA, we can use the gold standards for identifying the hereditary material to test the correctness of the theory of the gene. Molecular biology tells us that DNA is a template, DNA has no producing capacity, DNA can't build 3', 5'-phospho- diester bonds. Then the conclusion is certain: 1) Due to the lack of producing ability, DNA cannot be the producer of the individual. 2) Because DNA cannot establish 3 ', 5' - phosphodiester bonds, DNA cannot replicate itself (DNA can only rely on DNA replicase to obtain passive replication). Visible genes do not meet the two gold standards for identifying the hereditary material. The theory of the gene, so-called modern theory of heredity is a failed theory. IV. D etermining W hether T ransc × DNA is the H ereditary M aterial We can use Transc × DNA to represent the union of the egg's transcriptase and genome (DNA). Now, we need to prove that Transc × DNA meets the two gold standards for identifying the hereditary material. a) Transc × DNA can produce the individuals The life of the fertilized egg is launched by Transc × DNA, Transc × DNA creates egg transcription. The fact is that any individual, whether animal or plant, is the product of a natural, prepro- grammed, causally continuous and autonomously Cross - Century Discovery: Mendelian Dualistic Genetics 1 Year 2022 115 © 2022 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G )