Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2
producing process caused by the transcription of the genome (DNA) by the transcriptase(s) of the fertilized egg (unicellular organism included). Without egg transcription, no new individuals (new living things) could come into being. These are all undeniable objective facts. Not only does the new individual result from egg transcription, but also an individual in any phase of life results from this producing process (the individual in A, B....... Z phase is the result of this process progressing to the A, B....... Z phase, respectively, such that the individual in the N phase is the result of this process progressing to the N phase). An embryo is the result of this process progressing to the embryonic stage, a juvenile individual is the result of this process progressing to the juvenile stage, and an elderly individual is the result of this process progressing to the declining stage. Death is the result of the termination of this process owing to internal or external causes. It cannot be denied that an individual’s life is a continuous process. During this process, the individual existing in each second is the automatic result of the individual existing in the previous second. Once this producing process is started, only death can terminate it. To put it another way, once the automatic and continuous producing activity initiated by egg transcription stops and no longer resumes, the individual’s life is terminated. Thus, Transc × DNA not only can produce individuals, but is also the source creating an individual’s life. The fact that the egg’s transcription leads to the life of the individual can be seen throughout the world. In a chicken farm, after thousands of eggs enter the incubation room and egg transcription is initiated, the emergence of thousands of chickens is a predictable fact. Even the whole life course of these chickens before being slaughtered has an inherent causal relationship with egg transcription. In silkworm-rearing workshops, when tens of thousands of fertilized eggs start transcription, the appearance of tens of thousands of young silkworms is expected with a high probability, and death is the only accident that can stop the activities led by an egg’s transcription. The eons of survival history of various single-celled organisms are also the result of egg transcription in the first cells of these species. Transc × DNA is the root substance responsible for all these facts. A fact that must be stated: In this section you can see that egg transcription initiates a continuous automated producing process, much like the automatic producing process of the car. An automatic automotive production line contains a series of accessories to ensure the appropriate and reasonable output of various components in time and space smoothly throughout the assembly process. Similarly, the transcriptase operating on the template also requires a series of transcription factors as attachments to ensure the appropriate and reasonable output of various products in time and space b) Transc × DNA can produce itself Because Transc × DNA is the maker of the individual, it must be able to replicate itself owing to their inevitable connection. In the aforementioned formula: 1 cell (the hereditary material) → 2 cells (the hereditary material), if we change (the hereditary material) to (Transc × DNA), then we get the following: 1 cell (Transc × DNA) → 2 cells (Transc × DNA). The Transc × DNA in the first cell is the producer of the new cells, but the new cells also contain Transc × DNA. Thus, the first Transc × DNA has produced a new Transc × DNA, showing that Transc × DNA can replicate itself. V. C onclusion The Mendel's gene assumption leads us to find Mendelian dualistic genetics, the ultimate scientific genetics. Scientific facts have shown that the hereditary material able to give rise to the individuals consists of egg transcriptase (system) and DNA (genome). Transc × DNA not only is the source of producing the individuals, but also is the source of the individuals' lifelong existence. A cknowledgments We thank Liwen Bianji (Edanz) (https://www. ) for editing the language of a draft of this manuscript. R eferences R éférences R eferencias Cross - Century Discovery: Mendelian Dualistic Genetics © 2022 Global Journals 1 Year 2022 116 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) smoothly throughout the assembly process. Thus, to be precise, the producing element is a series led by the egg transcriptase that contains the complete set of transcription factors prestored in the egg, the egg transcriptase system. However, there is no doubt that the transcriptase is the leader of this system, and it is the only factor that actually consumes energy, does work and is responsible for establishing 3', 5'- phosphodiester bonds [3,5]. 1. Morgan, T.H. (1928) The Theory of the Gene. Yale University Press, New Haven, pp2. 2. Zhou, M.Y. (2018) Do You Realize Two Basic Questions in Genetics? Open Access Library Journal, 5, e4396. 1104396 3. Zhou, M.Y. (2018) The Answer to the “First Question” in Genetics: The Heredi tary Material. Open Access Library Journal, 5: e4645. 4. Zhou, M.Y. (2018) Mendel Actually Wants to Say: Genes Are Only One Element of th e Hereditary Material. Open Access Library Journal, 5, e4941. 5. Zhou, M.Y. (2020) The True Idea of Mendel’s Assumption regarding the Gene Is Rediscovered.