Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2

Results: The principle of a results segment is to present and demonstrate your conclusion. Create this part as entirely objective details of the outcome, and save all understanding for the discussion. The page length of this segment is set by the sum and types of data to be reported. Use statistics and tables, if suitable, to present consequences most efficiently. You must clearly differentiate material which would usually be incorporated in a study editorial from any unprocessed data or additional appendix matter that would not be available. In fact, such matters should not be submitted at all except if requested by the instructor. Content: o Sum up your conclusions in text and demonstrate them, if suitable, with figures and tables. o In the manuscript, explain each of your consequences, and point the reader to remarks that are most appropriate. o Present a background, such as by describing the question that was addressed by creation of an exacting study. o Explain results of control experiments and give remarks that are not accessible in a prescribed figure or table, if appropriate. o Examine your data, then prepare the analyzed (transformed) data in the form of a figure (graph), table, or manuscript. What to stay away from: o Do not discuss or infer your outcome, report surrounding information, or try to explain anything. o Do not include raw data or intermediate calculations in a research manuscript. o Do not present similar data more than once. o A manuscript should complement any figures or tables, not duplicate information. o Never confuse figures with tables—there is a difference. Approach: As always, use past tense when you submit your results, and put the whole thing in a reasonable order. Put figures and tables, appropriately numbered, in order at the end of the report. If you desire, you may place your figures and tables properly within the text of your results section. Figures and tables: If you put figures and tables at the end of some details, make certain that they are visibly distinguished from any attached appendix materials, such as raw facts. Whatever the position, each table must be titled, numbered one after the other, and include a heading. All figures and tables must be divided from the text. Discussion: The discussion is expected to be the trickiest segment to write. A lot of papers submitted to the journal are discarded based on problems with the discussion. There is no rule for how long an argument should be. Position your understanding of the outcome visibly to lead the reviewer through your conclusions, and then finish the paper with a summing up of the implications of the study. The purpose here is to offer an understanding of your results and support all of your conclusions, using facts from your research and generally accepted information, if suitable. The implication of results should be fully described. Infer your data in the conversation in suitable depth. This means that when you clarify an observable fact, you must explain mechanisms that may account for the observation. If your results vary from your prospect, make clear why that may have happened. If your results agree, then explain the theory that the proof supported. It is never suitable to just state that the data approved the prospect, and let it drop at that. Make a decision as to whether each premise is supported or discarded or if you cannot make a conclusion with assurance. Do not just dismiss a study or part of a study as "uncertain." © Copyright by Global Journals | Guidelines Handbook XIX