Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2
Epigenetics Theoretical Limits of Synthetic Genomes: The Cases of Artificials Caulobacter ( C. eth-2.0), Mycoplasma Mycoides (JCVI-Syn 1.0, JCVI-Syn 3.0 and JCVI_3A), E-coli and YEAST chr XII Solved by standard Gammas, unvarying Deltas, uniform Epsilons. Millions of identical twins. The principle of mass production at last applied to biology in « BRAVE NEW WORLD » Chapter 1, Aldous Huxley 1931 Jean-claude Perez Keywords: synthetic genomes, epigenetics, transposons, biomathematics, fibonacci numbers. I. I ntroduction he story which led to the development of the first synthetic genome JCVI-syn1.0 has its origins as far back as 1995, when Venter and his team published the sequence of Mycoplasma genitalium (Fraser, 1995) and (Sleator, 2010). In 2010, a 1079-kb genome based on the genome of Mycoplasma mycoides (JCV-syn1.0) was chemically synthesized and supported cell growth when transplanted into cytoplasm. (Gibson, 2010) . In 2016, Hutchinson et al design, build, and test cycle to reduce this Mycoplasma mycoides genome to 531 kb (473 genes). JCV-syn3.0 retains genes involved in key processes such as transcription and translation, but also contains 149 genes of unknown function. Since 2012 the Synthetic Yeast Genome Project (Sc2.0 http://synthetic ) results from a worldwide partnership, « Sc2.0 International Consortium team », members spanning 4 continents to provide remote mentorship and solve challenges associated with synthetic individual chromosome design features and assembly (Jee Loon Foo 2018). Read the analysis in §Discussion. In January 2019, Breuer et al. published a synthetic cell resulting from the synthetic genome JCVI-syn3A, a robust minimal cell with a 543 kbp genome and 493 genes, providing a versatile platform to study the basics of life. Simultaneously, in 2019, Venetz et al. reduced the native Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 genome sequence real genome (4042929 bp) to the 785,701-bp reduced synthetic genome Caulobacter ethensis-2.0 (C. eth-2.0). Finally, also in 2019 (Fredens, 2019), researchers published a synthetic genome of E COLI changing systematically genetic code equivalent codons. They replaced every occurrence of the serine codon TCG with AGC, every TCA (also serine) with AGT, and every TAG (stop) with TAA. Read the analysis in § Discussion. In a completely different field, 30 years ago, we had just published the first 2 French books on Artificial Intelligence (AI) neural networks (Perez, 1988; Perez, 1989; Perez, 1990a). It is the exploration of our network FRACTAL CHAOS (Perez 1990c), (Pellionisz et al, 2012), (Perez§Montagnier, 2021), which will reveal a hyper- sensitivity of this network to successive ratios of T 1 Year 2022 35 © 2022 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) Author: Retired interdisciplinary researcher (IBM Artificial Intelligence European Research Center, Montpellier France), Bordeaux metropole France, Luc MONTAGNIER Foundation Scientific Council, Quai Gustave-Ador 62 1207 Geneve Switzerland. e-mail: Abstract- In (Venetz et al., 2019), authors rebuilt the essential genome of Caulobacter crescentus through the process of chemical synthesis rewriting and studied the genetic information content at the level of its essential genes. Then, they reduced the native Caulobacter crescentus native Caulobacter NA1000 genome sequence real genome (4042929 bp ) to the 785,701-bp reduced synthetic genome. Here we demonstrate the existence of a palindromic-like mirror structure that exists in real genomes and disappears totally in the synthetic genome. This biomathematic meta-organization is based on characteristic proportions of Fibonacci numbers between DNA single strand nucleotides proportions TC/AG on the one hand and TG/AC on the other hand. In both cases, we suggest that this meta-structure enhances the three- dimensional cohesion of the two DNA strands of the genome. We then generalize this study to the different synthetic genomes and synthetic cells published by the Craig Venter Institute on Mycoplasma Mycoides JCVI-syn1.0 (in 2010), JCVI-syn3.0 (in 2016) and JCVI-syn3A (in 2019). Finally, in the discussion section, we extend this study to synthetic genomes of E-Coli and Yeast chromosome XII.