Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2
Fibonacci numbers, for example 34/21 (Perez, 1990b). While the big project of sequencing of the human genome "HUGO" just begins, we have the intuition to look for ratios of Fibonacci numbers between the contiguous proportions of TCAG nucleotides of genes and small genomes available at that time (like HIV, mtDNA, viruses, bacteria, or small genes). We published a first article in 1991 (Perez, 1991; Marcer, 1992) demonstrating the evidence of such biomathematic structures (Perez, 1991). This discovery was completely published 22 years ago in the book "DNA decrypted" (Perez, 1997). This method, which the Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier called "DNA supracode" (Fleaux, 1995), was used to search exaustively in DNA searched exhaustively in DNA sequences for remarkable proportions of Fibonacci numbers ( https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Fibonacci_number) between nucleotides called "resonances": for example if a contiguous sequence of 377 bases TCAG is subdivided into 233 (C + A) and 144 (T + G), there is a resonance of CA / TG of length 377 (where 144, 233 and 377 are three Fibonacci numbers). In (Perez, 2017a), it is precisely such resonances CA / TG that characterize this optimality of the mtDNA genome of humans. It is still such resonances that are affected during mutations associated with cancers. In particular, we have analyzed this type of resonance in the 3 respective mtDNA genomes of humans, mice, and the famous naked mole rat as well as in more than a dozen other mammalian species. In a comprehensive analysis of all (ALL) listed mutations of the human mitochondrial mtDNA genome associated with cancers : effectively, multiple mutations associated with the mitochondrial genome of tumor cells have been reported. An open question is whether these mutations are only the CONSEQUENCE of the cancer process or if, on the contrary, they would be a possible ORIGINAL CAUSE of the cancer genesis process. I n a paper in preparation (Perez, 2019) we'll propose a generic and universal law (of a numerical nature) allowing us to detect and classify these mutations at the early stage of the genesis of the tumors. Finally, in (Perez 2019) we will present a generic law of prediction and classification of tumors by the simple analysis of the DNA SUPRACODE of the mitochondrial genomes associated with these tumors. In this upcoming article, we analyse all known somatic mutations listed all cancers combined. We then discover a global strategy of mutation of all these basic somatic mutations materialized by a numerical score which systematically increases in ALL the cases of elementary somatic mutations related to 91 referenced cases involved in 9 different cancers (prostate, pancreatic, colon, thyroid, bladder, breast, head § neck, meduloblastoma, ovarian) with a success rate of 100%. This predictive method should make it possible to categorize and classify the potential pathogenicity of tumors from the early stage. Particularly, we find an interesting symmetric property of resonances with very short periods: for example, the resonances 3 (1 TC 2AG) and 3 (2TC 1AG) correspond to the symmetrical beginnings of the Fibonacci and Lucas sequences. Similarly, the resonances 5 (2 TC, 3AG) and (3TC 2AG) correspond to the symmetrical beginnings of the Fibonacci and FibLuc 1 2 sequences. By looking for these resonances in all the known tumor mutations of human mtDNA genomes applied to the genomes inherited by evolution of the RSRS mother sequence (EVE), it appears the functional role of such local resonances whose repercussion on the global scale of the genome becomes a indicator of early diagnosis of tumors. It is this type of symmetry that we will generalize in this article by extending it to longer Fibonacci, and Lucas sequences. Example 34 TCAG ==> 13 TC, 21 AG in one hand (regular) and 34 TCAG ==> 21 TC, 13 AG in other hand (reverse). II. E xperimental S ection Part I: Genomes analysed We will analyze 8 bacterial genomes, 3 real reference genomes, one transgenic genome, and four synthetic genomes. ==> The 2 Caulobacter genomes: Name: NA1000 real Reference: Caulobacter crescentus NA1000, complete genome Publication: Venetz, 2019 Length: 4042929 bp Access: native Caulobacter NA1000 genome sequence [National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) accession no . NC_011916.1] Name: Ethensis CETH 2.0 Reference: Synthetic Caulobacter sp. 'ethensis' strain CETH2.0 chromosome, complete genome Publication; Venetz, 2019 Length: 785701 bp Access: ==> The 6 Mycoplasma Mycoides genomes: 1 This sequence 3 2 5 7 12 19 31 50... results adding Fibonacci (1 2 3 5 8...) and Lucas (1 3 4 7 11...) sequences like : 2 (1+1), 5 (2+3), 7 (3+4), 12 (5+7)... Curiously, we discovered this sequence in (Perez, 2017b) resulting from stationary waves observed in DUF1220 repeat proteins in mammals brain coding DNA genomes. 2 This sequence was also curiously used in new orleans jazz negro spiritual music (Parayon 2011). © 2022 Global Journals 1 Year 2022 36 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) Epigenetics Theoretical Limits of Synthetic Genomes: The Cases of Artificials Caulobacter ( C. eth-2.0), Mycoplasma Mycoides (JCVI-Syn 1.0, JCVI-Syn 3.0 and JCVI_3A), E-coli and YEAST chr XII