Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2
Table 3: Comparing TC/AG Fibonacci analysis for 6 real or synthetic Mycoplasm genomes Mycoplasm REF real genomes Synthetic Mycoplasm genomes Natural reference genomes Transgenic genome Synthetic genomes Reference real strain Reference real strain CAPRI Transgenic CAPRI strain JCVI-Syn1.0 JCVI-Syn3.0 JCVI-Syn3A 3 425653 418009 1.01828 6688 3 431863 424453 1.017457 763 3 389604 383147 1.0168525 4 3 386328 380244 1.016000 252 3 191148 188330 1.014963 097 3 195794 192178 1.0188158 89 5 349081 342772 1.01840 5821 5 353999 348030 1.017150 82 5 322151 314644 1.0238587 1 5 319643 312321 1.023443 829 5 158678 155189 1.022482 264 5 162644 158262 1.0276882 64 8 249100 241395 1.03191 864 8 252787 244971 1.031905 817 8 228917 220387 1.0387046 42 8 227112 218687 1.038525 381 8 112973 108400 1.042186 347 8 116120 110250 1.0532426 3 13 182285 173428 1.05107 0185 13 184673 175894 1.049910 742 13 167319 158110 1.0582442 6 13 166119 156734 1.059878 52 13 83100 77329 1.074629 182 13 85559 78424 1.0909798 02 21 122345 114349 1.06992 6278 21 123850 116312 1.064808 446 21 111834 103016 1.0855983 54 21 110910 101748 1.090045 996 21 55296 50364 1.097927 091 21 57103 50837 1.1232566 83 34 80074 73025 1.09652 8586 34 81099 74515 1.088358 049 34 72890 66214 1.1008245 99 34 72247 65356 1.105437 909 34 36064 31989 1.127387 539 34 37460 32353 1.1578524 4 55 49907 44879 1.11203 4582 55 50665 46176 1.097215 003 55 45287 40085 1.1297742 3 55 44848 39272 1.141984 111 55 22000 19301 1.139837 314 55 22992 19368 1.1871127 63 89 30152 26319 1.14563 6232 89 30708 27108 1.132802 125 89 27153 22722 1.1950092 42 89 26742 22243 1.202265 881 89 13030 10741 1.213108 649 89 13749 10743 1.2798101 09 Figure 3: Left: Comparing TC/AG Fibonacci ratios from 6 mycoplasma genomes (relative values around 1), right: Comparing TC/AG Fibonacci distances from 6 mycoplasma genomes. ( regular-reverse distances weighted by the length of the genome, see detailed data in suplementary materials ) © 2022 Global Journals 1 Year 2022 40 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) Epigenetics Theoretical Limits of Synthetic Genomes: The Cases of Artificials Caulobacter ( C. eth-2.0), Mycoplasma Mycoides (JCVI-Syn 1.0, JCVI-Syn 3.0 and JCVI_3A), E-coli and YEAST chr XII