Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2
In summary of this double analysis it seems obvious that synthetic genomes disturb and destroy a characteristic dimension of real genomes. This property could concern the mathematical topology of the genome (Rapoport, 2018) and probably its fractal, dynamic, evolution, and three-dimensional structures. IV. D iscussion a) Comparing real E COLI Genome and synthetic changing TAG by TAA stop codons In (Fredens et al., 2019), researchers published a synthetic genome of E COLI changing systematically genetic code equivalent codons. They replaced every occurrence of the serine codon TCG with AGC, every TCA (also serine amino acid) with AGT, and every TAG (stop codon) with TAA, for a total of 18,214 replacements. Here we run a sample comparison of TG Fibonacci resonances changing stop codons TAG in TAA, then 7725 changes considering only TAG of the first codons reading frame ; In (Fredens et al., 2019), the sequences and genome design details used in this study are available in the Supplementary Data . Supplementary Data 1 p rovides the GenBank file of the E. coli MDS42 genome (NCBI accession numbe r AP012306.1) ; Fredens's team systematically replaced every occurrence of the serine codon TCG with AGC, every TCA (also serine) with AGT, and every TAG (stop codon) with TAA, for a total of 18,214 replacements ; Not having access to the modified sequence of the synthetic genome yet, we simply changed all TAG codons to TAA codons, that is, 7,725 altered codons. We have limited this change to only the first reading frame codons. Table 4: Comparing Fibonacci TG/AC from E-COLI real genome and E-Coli synthetic where all TAG codons are removed in TAA codons (1 st codons reading frame only) ECOLI reference wild type genome ECOLI syn61 like where 7725 TAG ==> TAA 3 1471002 1476399 0.9963444841 3 1458201 1484100 0.9825490196 5 1211718 1215554 0.9968442373 5 1204279 1221598 0.9858226683 8 852126 857586 0.9936332916 8 844110 865264 0.9755519703 13 612152 618151 0.9902952515 13 604631 625851 0.9660941662 21 385231 390203 0.9872579145 21 378106 397617 0.9509301665 34 222919 227478 0.9799585015 34 216935 233775 0.9279649235 55 107343 110152 0.9744988743 55 102252 114831 0.8904564099 89 43863 45199 0.9704418239 89 41531 47929 0.8665108807 Note, the TAG ==> TAA mutations (where G is mutated to A) does not affect the TC / AG structures, we have here to analyze the TG / AC structures. Figure 4: Left: Comparing TG/AC Fibonacci ratios in real and synthetic E-Coli genomes, Right: Comparing TG/AC Fibonacci distances in real and synthetic E-Coli genomes ( regular-reverse distances weighted by the length of the genome, see detailed data in suplementary materials ) 1 Year 2022 4 © 2022 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) Epigenetics Theoretical Limits of Synthetic Genomes: The Cases of Artificials Caulobacter ( C. eth-2.0), Mycoplasma Mycoides (JCVI-Syn 1.0, JCVI-Syn 3.0 and JCVI_3A), E-coli and YEAST chr XII