Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, G: Bio-Tech & Genetics, Volume 22 Issue 2

Physical and Mechanical Properties of Teak (Tectona Grandis L.Fil.) Thermo-Plywood from Plantations in Lao P.D.R Douangta Bouaphavong α , Songklod Jarusombuti σ , Teera Veenin ρ , Khamtan Phonetip Ѡ , Khonethong Soukphaxay ¥ , Somxay Khambouddaphan § , Vansy Phengthachame χ , Fongsamout Sisouk ν & Vatsana Phonsavate Ѳ Abstract- The aim of this research to investigated physical and mechanical properties of thermal plywood of PF adhesive. Physical property focused on density, water absorption and swelling. And mechanical property was MOR, MOE, shearing strength and hardness. The Teak veneer was the main raw material the size was 2 mm in thickness, and 400 mm in width and length. The veneer was divided into five groups as were control, thermos-veneer, at 180°C, at 200°C, 220°C and 240°C and 4 min, 8 min and 12 min, the spread 150 g/m2 and five layers. Plywood products used PF adhesive products were cool pressing in 10 min and hot pressing in 15 min. density test followed with AS/ANZ 2098.7, 2012, WA and swelling thickness were followed ASTM D 3502-76, The dimension sample design was 10x25x300 mm for MOR and MOE, 10x50x100 mm for shearing strength and 10x50x50 for harness and testing by Fast Test software. Data analyses were One-way ANOVA and multiple linear regression. As the result, the density of thermal treatment was decreased density of teak plywood. A control was significant different on thermal treatment of different level of temperature and length of time the control was no significant different. WA in the different level of temperature and length of time the WA increases. The control was significant different with thermally. Swelling thickness of thermal treatment at 180, 220, 240 °C was increased to significant different with control, and length of time the control was no significant different. The MOR in different level of temperature the control was only significant with at 180°C and but another group at 200, 220, and 240°C was no significant. The length of time on 4, 8, and 12 min was no significant different. MOE was decreased in different level of temperature at 180, 200, 220, and 240°C significant different and length of time on 4, 8, and 12 min was no significant different. The different level of temperature effected MOE of teak plywood. The shearing strength in different level of temperature at 180, 200, 220, and 240°C and length of time on 4, 8, and 12 min were no significant different. And the hardness in thermal treatment at 180, 200, 220, and 240°C and length of time on 4, 8, and 12 min was fluctuated. And it was no significant different. Keywords: thermo, plywood, density, absorption, swelling, MOR, MOE, shearing, hardness. I. I ntroduction eak plantation quality is most important for sawmilling where processors acquired high volume from the processing. Lao teak plantations were abandoned naturally but Luang Prabang Teak Program (LPTP) provided technical skills in maintenance like thinning and pruning for local farmers (Fondation Ensemble, 2014).,(Bouaphavong et al. , 2016) confirmed that planted teak in Laos had many knots which affected log grad compared to grown teak in Thailand. GPérez and Kanninen (2005) confirmed that Teak wood quality is of considerable importance when classified according to international grading rules. Since teak is a light- demanding tree light-demanding does grow not grown well in dense stands (Budiadi. et al. , 2017). DJATI et al. (2015) also has done research on mechanical property and characteristic of young teak for making products in Indonesia. The teak wood contains different proportion of sapwood and heartwood depend on ages, such as young teak wood has lots of sapwood but rich of heartwood in old trees. Proportion of heartwood teak was 91% during 50 to 70 years old in the East Timor (Miranda et al. , 2011). Izekor et al. (2010)confirmed that teakwood density and mechanical properties increased with increase in ages. The research comparison between heartwood and sapwood in density and MOR, which density of teak ages for 1-10 years old the sapwood and heartwood were 0.61 and 0.63 g/cm 3 , 11-20 years old were 0.65 and 0.61 g/cm 3 , 21-30 years old were 0.62 and 0.72 g/cm 3 , and 31-40 years old the size of sapwood less than minimum standard and heartwood was 0.75 g/cm 3 . For MOR testing between sapwood and heartwood in 1-10 years old were 52.70 and 80.26 MPa, 21-30 years old were 91.41 and 81.45 MPa, and 31-40 years old the sapwood less than standard and heartwood was 101.10 MPa. The conclusion teak ages to most important with properties of teak. According to Sedliacik et al. (2010) studied that compared low temperature pressing of 100 °C in 6 min, T 1 Year 2022 77 © 2022 Global Journals Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Volume XXII Issue ersion I VII ( G ) Author α : Forest Product Department, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Thailand, Department of Forest Economic and Wood Technology, Faculty of Forest Science, National University of Laos, Lao PDR. e-mail: Author σ ρ : Forest Product Department, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Author Ѡ ¥ § χ ν Ѳ : Department of Forest Economic and Wood Technology, Faculty of Forest Science, National University of Laos, Lao PDR.